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Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock Nonsense

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Most people found out about the elite hand picked clown award show after Will slapped Chris. Why the heck the entire social media is talking about the nonsense? Well, elites know how to play the game. Millionaires played their usual trick to turn the attention of paycheque hostages on them.

Apparently, elites have feelings but they cannot understand inequities and biggest transfer of wealth in the history from the bottom to the top of the food chain. Now, elites wants mortgage slaves to talk about their feelings. Just follow the pattern, COVID, Ukraine, Grammy, what is next new world order? In between, both elites doubled their wealth with one slap.

Sadly, masses are the sheep, only useful for war recruitment, wake up wake up. You are more important than them, your feelings matter, your family more important than them. What keeps everyone prisoned in the cruel society needs to be challenged, let us not be distracted. #slap #distraction #wakeup

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