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Bregwin Jogi
Bregwin Jogi

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Contributing to Other Open Source Projects - Week 2

This week, I contributed to two open-source projects. The first was ScottPlot, a plotting library for .NET (great name!), and the other was the official Python extension for VSCode, vscode-python. Both contributions were interesting in their own way, and I learned a lot by digging through the codebases.

ScottPlot: A Simple Center Property

For ScottPlot, the task was just to add a property to calculate the center between two pixel coordinates. I wrote a small function that takes two pixel values and returns their midpoint. It was a small addition, but it gave me a good sense of how the C# code is structured.

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vscode-python: Cleaning up JSDocs

The main contribution I worked on was for the vscode-python extension. The issue involved removing redundant JSDoc comments that TypeScript can already infer. Some of the comments were a repeat of what was can be understood from the typescript code, which meant they would need to be updated every time the code changed. The idea was to get rid of those types of comments but keep parts that added useful context.

At first, I wasn’t 100% sure which parts of the comments needed to go, so I asked the issue’s author for clarification. After getting some guidance, I understood what needed to be done: remove comments like @param and @class tags where they added no extra information that typescript already displays, but leave the ones that were meaningful.

Going Through the Code

I went through each file within the repo to search for these JSDoc tags and found them in several places. I removed only the unnecessary parts, making sure I didn’t accidentally delete anything important or leave parts of the code commented out. (I double-checked to avoid breaking the code because of a missing block closure—been there before.)

After cleaning up 37 files, I made the pull request. There were other files I could have modified, but those comments still had useful information attached to the JSDocs tags, so I decided to leave them.

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The Pull Request

I ran through a final check before making the pull request. The next morning, I was surprised to see it had already been merged! It felt pretty great to contribute to something I’ve been using almost every day.

Overall, this was a fun experience, and I plan to keep contributing more in coming weeks. Working with real-world codebases helped me get familiar with code created by others and the reasoning behind why things were implemented that way. It is also a nice bonus to know I made even a small impact.

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