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I'm Go Backend developer and love it, Ask Me Anything!

Bregy Malpartida on August 09, 2018

jimfilippou profile image
Dimitrios Filippou

What are goroutines bro?

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

Putting "go" word before any function and automatically create a new concurrent task, in my opinion, is awesome. If you want coordinate many tasks you only need think in the flow of your program and implement your own algorithms, but obviously exist a stack library for this work: the fantastic sync library (, look at it!

shostarsson profile image
Rémi Lavedrine

Goroutines are the Go implementation of concurrency.
And you must not compare Concurrency with Parallelism.

Here is a very good video about it from Rob Pike.

And the associated slides (have a look at it, it is very educational) :
Concurrency is not Parallelism

So it is basically using resources efficiently.
Then you can improve the process using parallelism.

So goroutines are basically the Go implementation of concurrency.

I hope that can help.

shostarsson profile image
Rémi Lavedrine

To add something to my previous comment, I can point anyone that is interested in Go concurrency models and so goroutines to the best article I have read about it from Trevor Forrey on Medium.

It is the perfect one if you are not very used to it and want to learn it the easy way.
And then have a look at his other article. They are absolutely great materials about Go.

manzanit0 profile image
Javier Garcia

I found this helpful x)

erikthered profile image
Erik Nelson

How did you get into Go development professionally?

I've been in Java land for ~10 years doing mostly backend work, but I've been seeing increasingly more backend jobs using Go so I'm wondering if this is a direction I should start heading in.

rhymes profile image

I don't have enough experience but I think, apart from its concurrency primitives, some of the reasons to consider Go are: it is quite simple to grasp, fast, has a low memory footprint and any app can be deployed as a single file. Its standard library is quite extensive also.

Go through and see if it peaks your interest.

georginagrey profile image
Georgina Grey

Do you think Golang is a good first programming language? For people that have zero experience in development, but would like to understand core concepts of programming they can later apply to other similar languages.

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

Oh, wow, hard question, really I don't know I think any language is a good language for understanding core concepts of programming because all concepts are similar (like flow control or computer logic). But I accept exist better languages for the introduction to programming mind, (e.g. python) I suppose it is good because of its simplicity and versatility. Go have very intuitive reserved words and that makes simplicity to Go, but also it has deep concepts that you need to practice to master that. Finally, I'm not sure but I think that exist better languages for start to learn programming core concepts, for me that language is python.

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

Following godoc of this function, Math.Round rounded any float to the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero ( and this function only exist from Go 1.10. If you want another more complex unit to round you can implement it.

func Round(x, unit float64) float64 {
    return math.Round(x/unit) * unit

fmt.Println(Round(12.3456, 0.01)) // 12.35 
fmt.Println(Round(0.363636, 0.01)) // 0.35
fmt.Println(Round(1.922636, 0.01)) // 1.92

You can round float and obteing a string without function Round, if you want you can convert your string to float later.

s := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", 12.3456) // s == "12.35"

Here there good references

ravernkoh profile image
Ravern Koh

People say that the Erlang (and Elixir) ecosystems are much more suited (and battle-tested) for building large-scale, fault-tolerant systems.

I actually agree with this.

I feel that Go is more suited for things like Docker, where the main requirement is being extremely stable and fast at the same time. For large codebases, it also works really well due to its "stupid" coding style.

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

For large codebases, it also works really well due to its "stupid" coding style.

I still haven't found the motivation to get past hello world in Go, but this description appeals to me.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Go seems applicable in many fields. Do you think it will become mainstream in areas where there is a de-facto leader today, any time soon? Eg banking and enterprise(Java), DevOps and Machine learning(python), system programming(C++ I believe) or game programming(C# maybe, due to unity)

rapidnerd profile image

What sets go aside and makes it unique from other languages? Specifically for backend.
(Excluding that its a functional language)

shostarsson profile image
Rémi Lavedrine

Its concurrency implementation makes it very easy to write softwares that are very efficient.
And it is a compiled language which means that it is faster than interpreted language.
So if you have to process a ton of data, Go is definitely interesting.
And it is very easy to learn. ;-)

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

I agree <3

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

What other languages were you working with before you got into Go?

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

I love python too, and I had experience with C and C++, I think Go is an awesome language but its program paradigm (without objects and using pointers) needs special attention and concentration.

subsr97 profile image
Subramanian 😎

I've started Learning Go recently. So far, I've written standalone scripts in Go.
How do I go from a beginner to an advanced Go developer?

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

Really I don't know, probably the experience and the practice is the best options. If you're creating your own standalone scripts I think you only need merge many of these for creating a big application, one pretty idea to make "complex programs" with Go is create a Backend using its "http" stack library.

f12developers profile image
Arjun Dahal

i want to ask you the roadmap of the backend developer what should i do to get started with go lang. i know the basics of go and tour of go is also completed. so what do i read or do now ? what should be my next steps

alcor868 profile image

Why when I create an element http.template and assign it a * .html file and I launch it with Execute and go to the browser and load the page I get blank?
.I have tried the code with other files * .html with less content and it works for me.

notgaybut20dollarsis20dollars profile image

Hello there. I’m thinking of going into backend development using Go. Could you recommend me materials or sites that’s gonna be of major help for me? Things that I need to know to be a backend developer in Go. Maybe stuffs on database, etc. Thanks

xlebenny profile image
Benny Leung

Which orm framework no need to think into owner shoes?
(too many golang framework example is no sense and what you see what you get, can't apply to another case)

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida • Edited

I don't understand your question, can you explain to me?. If you're taking about ORMs in Go, personally I use one called Storm, an ORM for BoltDB (BoltDB is an awesome no relational database written in go).

xlebenny profile image
Benny Leung

some framework documents like this

Only show how to define/declare

you need to think as that developer think how to use it

kayis profile image

How many code generators do you have to write on a daily basis? ;)

tahrioui_hassan profile image
Tahrioui Hassan

what do you use as a framework

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

For web, I use Gin as default, it's very useful. Another alternative is echo and chi (this last is more a router than a framework).

mayankshah1607 profile image
Mayank Shah

How do I get started off with Go for Backend web development?

math2001 profile image

How do you structure your code (what do you split up in packages, what do you split up into files, etc...)

Do you use a framework? Which one?

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

Generally I try to struct my project of different ways each time, below you can see two different projects and in the first I don't use folders, I only split my project in different files, in the second image I use folders for each part of the project (this project was really big), if you want see more, you can see in my github account, there I have different projects and you can see all the code.

spowrrr profile image
P. P.

i'm learning this language for backend i'm 3year 7th sem university student. Can a achieve if i continue learning backend in go. Give me some guidence

juankortiz profile image

What are the advantages (of any type) in using Go instead of other languages, like Python, Ruby or PHP?

bregymr profile image
Bregy Malpartida

It depends, for example, I can't use Go for machine learning or mathematical computing (not because this is impossible with Go, because exist more suited tools), I think Go is awesome because is simple and fast and have an ecosystem based on the web (a lot of frameworks like Gin Gonic, Iris go or if you want to make JS with Go you can with GopherJS or Joy). I don't use Python for backend dev, because is not ideal for this task, I prefer more control and versatility and Go, for me, it provides this.

georginagrey profile image
Georgina Grey

Have you used Go with AWS Lambda or for micro-services in general?

thinhmaster1 profile image

I'm a ASP.Net dev and now I work as Go backend dev. How to learn it fastly?

cyantosh profile image
Santosh Shrestha

Which tool you use for formatting and linting in your project?