DEV Community

Brian Caffey
Brian Caffey

Posted on • Originally published at on


How I write and share technical software development articles in 2021

This article describes how I write and share technical articles on my personal website and other developer websites and technical article aggregation sites.

This article is broken into three sections:

  1. How I use Nuxt.js to build my personal website
  2. How I share my articles on other development sites and article aggregators
  3. Bonus content, project plug and conclusion

Building with Nuxt.js

I first started writing my personal website on GitHub pages using a static website builder called Jekyll. Jekyll is a great tool for getting started with building a personal portfolio or technical blog, and it served me well for several years. I eventually changed my static site generation tool from Jekyll to Nuxt since I wanted to learn more about Vue.js. Also, I don't know Ruby very well, and it was difficult for me to use the Jekyll template language.

GitHub Pages

I host my website on GitHub pages at the following domain: GitHub pages is a great way to host a public site. The subdomain, briancaffey in my case, is your GitHub username. GitHub pages will serve content from a specified branch and nested folder. My website uses the branch gh-pages and the root folder /.

GitHub Actions

I use GitHub actions to deploy my website to GitHub pages. Here's the file that sets up the GitHub action that builds and deploys my site:

name: github pages

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Setup Node
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: "14"

      - name: Cache dependencies
        uses: actions/cache@v2
          path: ~/.npm
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
          restore-keys: |
            ${{ runner.os }}-node-

      - run: yarn
      - run: yarn lint
      - run: yarn generate

      - name: deploy
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./docs
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When changes are pushed to the master branch, this GitHub Action runs. It lints the code, builds the site with yarn generate and then the peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 GitHub Action commits only the build artifacts to the gh-pages branch where the content is served on

Nuxt.js Framework

Nuxt.js is a versatile Vue.js framework. It can be used to build several different types of websites, including Server Side Rendered (SSR) websites, single page applications (SPA) and static websites. I use the static website mode, also called Server Side Generation (SSG).

Content API

Nuxt has a module called Content API that allows you to do the following:

  • write articles in Markdown
  • Use Vue components in Markdown
  • write custom front-matter that can be used to query Markdown articles using an API

Articles and Folder Structure

Nuxt uses a folder structure that automatically generates routes and helps you organize components, pages and layouts. Here is the folder structure for my personal website's repository:

$ tree -L 1 .
├── assets  <-- compiled assets
├── components <-- Vue components used in the site
├── content  <-- contains Markdown files for articles
├── i18n  <-- contains translations
├── jsconfig.json
├── layouts  <-- layouts used for each page
├── middleware  <-- I'm not using this folder
├── node_modules
├── nuxt.config.js  <-- config file
├── package.json
├── pages  <-- directory structure defines URLs for site pages
├── plugins  <-- plugins
├── static  <-- files in this folder are served as-is
├── store  <-- Vuex store
├── tailwind.config.js
└── yarn.lock
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The content folder has the following structure:

$ tree -L 3 content
├── 2016
│   └── 04
│       └── 07
│           └──
├── 2017
│   └── 01
│      └── 01
│           └──
└── projects
│   └──
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This will produce the following routes:

  • /2016/04/07/my-article.html
  • /2017/01/01/my-other-article.html
  • /projects/my-project.html

Here's the folder structure for the pages directory:

$ tree -L 4 pages
├── _year
│   └── _month
│       └── _day
│           └── _slug.vue
├── blog
│   ├── index.vue
│   └── tags
│       ├── _tag.vue
│       └── index.vue
├── confirm-subscription.vue
├── contact
│   └── index.vue
├── drafts
│   └── index.vue
├── index.vue
├── projects
│   ├── _slug.vue
│   └── index.vue
└── thank-you.vue
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Directories in the pages directory starting with an underscore (like _year) can be used as URL parameters.

Markdown and Vue Components

One nice feature of Nuxt and the Nuxt Content module is the ability to use Vue components directly in Markdown files. Here's an example of a Vue component in a Markdown file:

# Markdown with Vue components

This is some content

<my-component />

This is more content.
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Vue components used in Markdown files must be included in the components/global directory. Here's an article on my blog where I used Vue components to show interactive graphs:


Images are an important part of the articles that I write. Each article has an optional cover image. I try to include a cover image for each of the articles I write. I mostly use Gimp to create the cover images.

The cover image for this article was made with Inkscape. I have also used Gimp and Blender to generate images for my blog.

Including images in the body of an article is pretty simple on my personal site. First I need to add the image to the static directory, and then I can reference that image using the following syntax:

![alt text](/static/path/to/my-image.png)
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Here's the image for this article:

Writing and publishing dev articles

Markdown front-matter

Front-matter is a way to define metadata for a Markdown file. It is used to define the title, description, and other metadata that can be used to query articles.

Here's whe front-matter for this article on my personal site

title: How I write and share technical development articles in 2021
date: '2021-10-02'
description: This article describes how to write and share technical articles in 2021
  - nuxt
  - vue
  - publishing
  - writing
draft: true
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I also use front-matter for the following:

  • OpenGraph meta tags & social sharing
  • links to other outlets
  • meta tags
  • article tags

Nuxt Sitemap

Using the @nuxt/sitemap module, it is easy to generate a sitemap.xml file. This generates a static file that is available on /sitemap.xml. This file is used in the Google Search Console to tell Google which pages on my site should be indexed. This helps with SEO.

RSS Feed

An RSS feed is configured using another official Nuxt module called @nuxtjs/feed. This plugin generates an RSS feed for the site in XML. An RSS feed can be used to automatically publish articles to other sites, I'll show this in the next section of this article.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to track site traffic and gives insights into what content is popular, where my users are visiting from, how long they spend browsing my site and other helpful metrics. It is likely that many readers of my site may have disabled Google Analytics in their browsers.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is another tool that is helpful from an SEO perspective.

Here is a report from Google Data Studio showing some some of the metrics that I use to analyze my site's traffic:


I use MailChimp to build a newsletter audience. I'll be sending out a newsletter to my current audience with an update about this article. I wrote an article about how to set up MailChimp on Nuxt. I wrote an article on my blog about how I set up a form for guests to sign up for a newsletter using a MailChimp form:

Site visitors can send me messages through an online form called I include this form on my site's Contact page.


Drift is a freemium service that allows site visitors to send me messages in real time. It's a great way to get in touch with site visitors, and it can be configured so that messages go to the Drift mobile app.


One option in the front-matter for my blog articles is draft. If an article has draft: true set in the front-matter, then the article will not be listed on the main list of blog articles on my site, and the page will not be indexed by Google. Here's where you can find the draft articles for my site: The articles here can be accessed publicly, but I only show them on the /drafts page which is not listed anywhere else on my site.

Publishing on other outlets

When publishing articles from my personal website on other sites, I make sure that custom content is either removed or replaced with a link or static image that I can upload to the other site while editing the article.

For example, this article includes an embedded Google Data Studio report in the version that is published on This embedded iframe will not work when posted to other platforms, so I can instead link to an anchor tag that corresponds to the location of the custom element on my site.

For this article, I have mostly tried to keep the custom content to a minimum so that it will be easy to cross publish on other sites without having to make lots of edits to the markdown. Most of the tweaking will likely have to do with preview images and other custom front-matter properties that some site (like support. is a popular site for sharing technical articles. They allow you to automatically draft articles to publish on their site by adding your site's RSS feed. This article will be published on through the RSS feed connection that my account has with articles support their own custom front-matter properties. Here's what the front-matter for the article looks like:

title: How I write and share technical software development articles in 2021
published: false
date: '2021-10-02'
tags:  nuxt, vue, publishing, blogging
image: ''
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If you don't see your article in your list of article drafts on your dashboard, you can go into Settings > Extensions > Publishing to DEV Community from RSS and click on Save Feed Settings. I think this refreshes your RSS feed in your dashboard.


I haven't published anything on Medium, so one of my goals for this article is to cross publish it on Medium in my first article on that platform.


Hashnode seems very similar to Here's a comparison that shows some of the advantages of using Hashnode as a blogging platform over

Egghead is another blogging platform that allows you to helps you Own Your Online Presence and also lets you create free and paid courses and content.

Hacker Noon

Hacker Noon is another platform that I haven't used before as a writer, but one that I'm aiming to publish on with this article!


I have shared a lot of content on different programming subreddits specific to some of the tools and frameworks I use, such as r/aws and r/django. When sharing on reddit, I like to share links to my personal website with at least on comment that provides a detailed summary of the article. When sharing on


Facebook has very large and active developer communities. Sometimes the communities are more fragmented than the communities on reddit. For example, there are several Nuxt communities on Facebook, but there is just one r/nuxt. Similar to sharing content on reddit, I like to share links to my personal websites with detailed comments on the content of my article.

Discord Servers

Discord also has some dedicated servers for software frameworks, such as Nuxt.js. Discord seems to be the official place where Vue.js community members chat in real-time. There are dedicated channels on the server for sharing articles.

Bonus content, project plug and conclusion

One more great thing about GitHub pages is that you can publish a site on any of your GitHub repositories that will be hosted on a subpath of your GitHub pages blog.

I have been working updating and rewriting my Django + Vue.js + AWS reference project. It contains a documentation site that I am making with VuePress. The repo for this project is here: This repository has it's own GitHub Pages configuration, as well as a GitHub Action to help automate the deployment of this project documentation site to GitHub Pages. The project site is currently hosted on

You may want to split a large project's documentation site into its own site, rather than having it live on the nested path of a personal blog. Following this pattern, your GitHub pages blog can become a site that is much larger than one single Nuxt static site. is now a hybrid Nuxt.js and VuePress site, with a subset of routes (starting with /django-step-by-step/) being served by VuePress.

As I'm writing this article, Nuxt 3 is almost one week away from a public beta. I'm excited to try upgrading this site to Nuxt 3 and trying out some of the new features that it includes.

Thanks for reading this article, wherever you may have found it on the internet!

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Top comments (1)

tsvetanganev profile image
Tsvetan Ganev

Thanks for sharing! The front-matter properties for were especially useful for me.


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