My Twitter feed says it all:
Putting some order into my life 💆♂️
Time for a dev-centric account. Time to put technology in front and talk about the great things it can do 🖥📱📡
#firstTweet00:58 AM - 18 Dec 2019
A journey is on the roadmap
As a rather introvert person, I've seldom taken the time to broadcast the highs and lows of my life. However, focusing too much on projects won't make you a better person if you don't devote some time to yourself and to let others know where you are.
The only constant in life is change and below are the things I'm about to change on the journey I'm about to undertake.
First off, my life partner and I will leave the comfort of our home town and live as remote workers, at least within a reasonable timeframe. The first stop of the journey brings us to Silicon Valley. We want to see how things move, how things breathe and what can we learn from the people that have shaped today's digital society.
After touring by the West Coast, we'd like to deep dive on the Eastern New York City. Next, Australia might be on the horizon, but the coming weeks will tell where we move next.
Instead of keeping things for myself and ourselves, I won't hesitate to share thoughts, experiences and findings.
This one is for tech. I feel so grateful for the insane amount of knowledge and wisdom that I've been given thanks to the internet community. Not only it has made me a better engineer, but also a better and free person.
I believe that my Karmic debt deserves the time and effort to try to give out a bit of what I've been given myself.
This means that this account will turn into a publication. And it also means, that it will be the basis of all the topics that I'm eager to talk about and tell everyone 😃
If you spend your life waiting for something to happen, the only thing you'll do is letting your life pass.
The future is now. Go make it happen.
Until very soon!
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