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Vikas Singh for Brilworks

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Top Generative AI use cases for manufacturing industry


As generative use cases grow across different industries, business leaders are exploring the advanced use cases of AI in manufacturing. Business leaders are exploring “What AI can do.”

With the rise of some of the concepts that seemed revolutionary are now being adopted increasingly, shaping the way for industry 4.0.

We are not going to talk about Industry 4.0; instead, we will discuss the role of AI in the manufacturing industry and how businesses are adopting AI to improve their operations and reduce costs, which we will cover – under top AI use cases in manufacturing section – later in this article.

The point isn't how powerful the technology is; what matters is how you use it. This is why big companies are investing a lot of money in developing custom AI solutions.

According to a McKinsey report, by 2027, 50% of generative AI models used by enterprises will be specific to either an industry or a business function, compared to only 1% in 2023.

There is probably no technology more talked about than AI. On one hand, billions of dollars are being invested in it. Business leaders are striving to enhance their existing platforms with AI capabilities, which is why this industry is on track to become a $20.8 billion industry.

While this technology isn't as powerful as what we see in science fiction and hasn't reached the stage where it can automate everything, however, it has the potential to transform the industry, specifically manufacturing, about which we will be talking in this blog.

Let’s explore the top use cases and benefits of generative AI in manufacturing industry.

Before we delve into the use cases, applications, and benefits of generative AI in manufacturing, let's first examine a 2023 analysis from Google's Generative AI Benchmarking Study. This study demonstrates the significant value this technology can bring when implemented across various business services. The key outcomes include machine-generated events and customer service, which are top use cases across nearly all industries. Document search and content discovery follow as other important applications of generative AI.

Applications of Generative AI in Manufacturing

Generative AI technologies present transformative opportunities for enhancing supply chain resilience within the manufacturing sector. By leveraging advanced algorithms and predictive analytics, these tools can optimize inventory management, forecast demand fluctuations, and streamline logistics processes.

This innovation not only reduces operational risks but also enhances agility in responding to disruptions, such as natural disasters or global supply chain shocks. Ultimately, integrating Generative AI into manufacturing operations fosters a more robust and adaptable supply chain ecosystem, capable of navigating uncertainties with greater efficiency and foresight.

The Impact of Generative AI in Manufacturing

Let's talk about some benefits it offers. The key benefits are that major businesses using it have found significant cost reductions, increased productivity, and improved uptime.

Today, there are so many digital devices transmitting data round-the-clock, and analyzing this data using traditional methods consumes a lot of time and resources. Although generative AI is not a replacement for these methods, it works like an assistant and helps business leaders in many areas.

Let's take the example of the QA process in the manufacturing industry. With human resources, it's quite expensive and prone to errors. On the other hand, generative AI can decode the data transmitted round-the-clock by devices, take real-time continuous pictures, and automate many routine queries. This leads to significant cost savings and improvements in productivity.

Besides this, generative AI is also helpful in brainstorming for design optimization and content creation, such as product descriptions, where it can match human creativity. In terms of generative AI design, currently, 1 in 5 professionals is using this technology in some way.

Adobe recently published a report estimating that around 12 billion images were generated using Stable Diffusion models, 1 billion from Adobe Firefly, 964 million from Midjourney, and 916 million from DALL-E 2.

Top Generative AI Use Cases in Manufacturing

#1. Demand Forecasting and Scenario Planning
Scenario: Many businesses face challenges in accurately forecasting demand amidst fluctuating consumer preferences, seasonal variations, and economic uncertainties. Futuremore, traditional forecasting methods often struggle to incorporate complex data interactions and fail to adapt quickly to changing market dynamics.

Application: By harnessing Generative AI algorithms, the company aims to analyze vast amounts of historical sales data, market trends, and external factors in real-time. This AI-driven approach enables precise demand forecasting by identifying patterns, correlations, and anomalies that human analysts may overlook.

#2. Supplier Relationship Optimization
Scenario: If you are facing challenges in managing its diverse network of suppliers across various regions, as supplier performance data is scattered across multiple systems, making it difficult to extract actionable insights efficiently.

Application: This AI-driven approach promises to streamline supplier relationship management, identify optimal supplier partnerships, and proactively mitigate risks associated with disruptions, thereby improving operational efficiency and reducing costs.

#3. Predictive Analytics for Proactive Risk Mitigation
Scenario: Frequent disruptions in its supply chain is common across manufacturing industry and traditional methods of risk assessment and mitigation are reactive, causing delays and financial losses.

Application: It will enable businesses early detection of potential disruptions, allowing timely implementation of contingency plans and ensuring uninterrupted production, thereby safeguarding profitability and customer satisfaction.

#4. Dynamic Inventory Optimization
Scenario: Let's say you are struggling in managing its inventory efficiently, often struggling with either stockouts or excessive inventory levels due to inaccurate demand forecasting and variable lead times.

Application: By employing Generative AI algorithms, the company aims to analyze historical sales data, market trends, and production capacities in real-time. This AI-driven approach enables dynamic optimization of inventory levels, balancing the need for product availability with cost-effective inventory management.

#5. Resilient Network Design with Generative AI Simulation
Scenario: Many company face challenges in designing a resilient supply chain network that can withstand disruptions such as transportation delays, supplier failures, and sudden changes in demand.

Application: This AI-driven approach allows for testing of different scenarios, identifying optimal configurations that enhance flexibility, minimize vulnerabilities, and ensure continuity of operations even in the face of unforeseen disruptions.

#6. Adaptive Decision Support Systems
Scenario: A logistics company struggles with making timely and informed decisions in response to volatile market conditions, fluctuating demand, and unpredictable disruptions.

Application: This enables agile decision-making by providing executives and managers with timely insights, recommending optimal courses of action based on current supply chain conditions, and facilitating proactive adjustments to strategies and operations.

#7. Producing Technical Records
Scenario: Manufacturing industries grapple with the complexities of handling massive volumes of technical data. Extracting meaningful insights from this data while ensuring accuracy and efficiency is a persistent hurdle.

Application: Artificial intelligence offers a transformative approach to this challenge. By automating data extraction, classification, and analysis, AI can rapidly convert raw data into actionable intelligence. This empowers businesses to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and predict potential issues. Moreover, AI's precision significantly reduces the risk of human error, streamlining processes and boosting overall productivity.

#8. Development of Test Cases
Scenario: Crafting comprehensive and effective test cases is a time-consuming and detail-oriented task, often requiring deep product knowledge and understanding of potential user scenarios. Ensuring test case coverage while maintaining efficiency is a common challenge faced by development teams.

Application: AI can streamline test case development by automating test case generation based on requirements, code changes, and historical data. By analyzing complex systems and identifying potential failure points, AI can help create more robust test suites. Additionally, AI-powered tools can prioritize test cases based on risk and impact, optimizing testing efforts. This leads to improved test case quality, faster development cycles, and increased software reliability.

#9. Online Adviser for Decision Support
Scenario: Making critical business decisions often involves sifting through vast amounts of complex data, demanding significant time and expertise. Ensuring these decisions are accurate, timely, and aligned with strategic objectives is a constant challenge.

Application: An AI-powered online advisor can revolutionize decision-making. By providing real-time access to data-driven insights and predictive analytics, this tool empowers users to make informed choices. AI algorithms can process complex information rapidly, identifying patterns, trends, and potential risks. This enables businesses to explore various scenarios, assess their impact, and select the optimal course of action. Ultimately, an AI advisor acts as a trusted companion, augmenting human intelligence and driving better outcomes.

How to Get Value?

It is essential to have a clear policy in place to fully utilize generative AI’s potential. Here’s a brief guide to maximze the benefits of generative AI in manufacturing.

1. Explore
Begin by clearly defining your goals. Determine what specific outcomes you want to achieve with generative AI. This could range from improving production efficiency to enhancing product quality. Writing down these objectives will give you a clear direction and help align your team on the same vision. Having well-defined goals also makes it easier to measure success and adjust strategies as needed.

2. Experiment
Once your goals are set, create quick prototypes of generative AI applications. These prototypes allow you to test the feasibility and impact of AI on your processes. Evaluate how well these prototypes perform in real-world scenarios and gather feedback from your team. Assess the adoption rate among your staff and their readiness to embrace the new technology. Experimenting in this manner helps identify potential issues early and provides insights into the best practices for implementation.

3. Execute
With successful prototypes in hand, develop a detailed activation strategy. This strategy should include a step-by-step plan outlining how to implement the generative AI solution across your manufacturing processes. Ensure that your plan covers all aspects, including training for your team, integration with existing systems, and performance monitoring. A comprehensive execution plan will help mitigate risks and ensure a smooth transition to AI-driven operations. By following a structured approach, you can maximize the benefits and achieve your defined goals effectively.

Top AI Development Tools for Manufacturing Industry

1. TensorFlow (Open Source by Google)
Strengths: TensorFlow is an open-source framework allowing maximum customization for building your own AI models. It excels in areas like demand forecasting, product recommendation engines, and customer segmentation.

Benefits for Development: Offers flexibility and control over the entire development process. A large developer community provides extensive resources and tutorials.

Downsides: Requires a high level of technical expertise to build and deploy models.

2. Amazon SageMaker
Strengths: A managed platform by Amazon that simplifies the development and deployment of machine learning models. It includes pre-built algorithms for retail applications like demand forecasting and fraud detection.

Benefits for Development: User-friendly interface with built-in tools and resources for data preparation, training, and deployment. Reduced infrastructure management burden.

Downsides: Can be expensive for large-scale deployments compared to open-source options. Vendor lock-in to the Amazon ecosystem.

3. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
Strengths: Another cloud-based platform offering pre-built algorithms and tools for retail analytics. Integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft Azure services.

Benefits for Development: Similar user-friendly approach to SageMaker with a focus on integration with existing Azure tools.

Downsides: Potential vendor lock-in to the Microsoft ecosystem. Pricing can be complex for larger deployments.

4. IBM Watson Studio
Strengths: A comprehensive platform offering a visual interface for model building and deployment. Watson provides powerful natural language processing (NLP) capabilities for analyzing customer sentiment and feedback.

Benefits for Development: Drag-and-drop functionalities simplify model building for developers. Ideal for tasks involving text analysis and customer insights.

Downsides: Can be more expensive compared to other options. Requires some technical knowledge for advanced functionalities.

Choosing the Right Tool

The best tool depends on your specific needs and development expertise. Here's a quick guideline:

  • High customization with an in-house developer team? - TensorFlow
  • Cloud-based solution with pre-built functionality? - Amazon SageMaker or Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
  • Focus on natural language processing? - IBM Watson Studio


Generative AI has emerged as a pivotal technology in revolutionizing supply chain resilience and risk management within the manufacturing sector. By harnessing advanced algorithms, AI enables predictive modeling and scenario planning that enhance decision-making capabilities. These capabilities empower organizations to proactively address disruptions, optimize inventory management, and streamline logistics operations.

Incorporating Generative AI into supply chain strategies not only mitigates risks but also cultivates agility, ensuring adaptability in volatile markets. For businesses seeking to fortify their supply chains against future uncertainties, partnering with a specialized AI/ML development company can unlock transformative solutions tailored to their unique operational needs and challenges.

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