DEV Community

B Jacquet
B Jacquet

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Closer to the one-step-deploy

I've been trying out a deployment checklist which is a bit different than usual. It's a little script which helps me guides me through out the whole process.

So, on my current project, deploying for staging environment is performed in six(ish) steps:

  1. Inform everyone deploy is about to begin.
  2. On my local repository, switch to the deploy branch.
  3. In it, execute the deploy command.
  4. Turn on the VPN.
    1. Open the site and tryout a feature or two.
    2. Turn off the VPN.
  5. Move cards forward.
  6. Inform everyone deploy has ended.

This is too long. At most it should be steps 1 and 6, with a Press deploy button in between. Depending on what "inform everyone" means—email, text, chat, yell—we can also automate that. And then we can finally make a build deploy in one step.

My script performs steps 2, 3, 4, and 4.2 for me. 😊 But I still have to move cards about on the board, and test is the site is up and running. 😕 For now, maybe I can use a Slack command line client to inform everyone,

So, without further ado, the script. Sensitive data was replaced with King Crimson(ish) references.

set -eu


config_elasticbeanstalk () {
    mkdir .elasticbeanstalk
    cd .elasticbeanstalk
    cat <<EOF > config.yml
…yadda yadda yadda…
    cd ..

run_elastic_beanstalk () {
    echo "Running Elastic Beanstalk…"
    eb deploy projekt-staging

clone_repository () {
    echo "Cloning code repository…"
    rm -rf projekt-x
    git clone -q

echo "Alert in #projekt-x the deploy is about to beging:"
echo "  started \`projekt-staging\` deploy"
read -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue: "

cd /tmp && clone_repository
cd projekt-x && run_elastic_beanstalk

networksetup -connectpppoeservice "${VPNNAME}"
echo "Confirm if everything is okay."
read -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue: "
networksetup -connectpppoeservice "${VPNNAME}"

echo "Move cards"
read -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue: "

echo "Inform in #projekt-x the deploy has ended:"
echo "  finished \`projekt-staging\` deploy"
read -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue: "

echo "All done"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Inspiration for this script came from here.

The goal of a one build step was incited by him

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