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Bryan Yu
Bryan Yu

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The Ultimate Agile Boards Project Management Guide

An agile board serves as a depiction of the tasks and phases, within a project. It commonly showcases columns that signify workflow stages like "To Do " and "In Progress ". Done." Tasks are symbolized by cards that transition, across the board as they advance through these stages. This setup aids teams in monitoring progress pinpointing obstacles and guaranteeing alignment among all agile team members, including the product owner scrum master, and the entire scrum team.

What is an Agile Board?

In project management, an Agile Board serves as an aid, for monitoring tasks and workflows. It assists teams in overseeing projects by presenting tasks at stages, like "To Do " "In Progress " and "Done."

Definition and Purpose

The main goal of the Agile Board is to represent work promote teamwork and ensure that projects are moving forward according to the plan. It enables software development teams to quickly check the task status and make any needed changes promptly.


  • Columns: Represent stages of the workflow.
  • Cards: Individual tasks or user stories.
  • Swimlanes: Horizontal lanes that group related tasks.
  • WIP Limits: Limits on the number of tasks in progress to prevent overload.

Benefits of Using Agile Boards

Improved Visibility

Agile boards provide a clear view of all ongoing tasks, making it easier to track progress and identify bottlenecks. This transparency helps teams stay aligned and focused on their goals.

Enhanced Collaboration

By visualizing tasks and workflows, the Agile Board fosters better communication and collaboration among team members. It serves as a central hub where everyone can see what needs to be done and who is responsible for each task.

Increased Flexibility

Agile boards are highly adaptable, allowing teams to quickly respond to changes and reprioritize tasks as needed. This flexibility is essential for staying agile in a dynamic project environment.

Efficient Workflow Management

Agile boards help teams identify and eliminate bottlenecks. They can create a smoother and more efficient workflow.

Better Accountability

With tasks and responsibilities clearly defined, team members are more accountable for their work, leading to improved performance and productivity.

Types of Agile Boards

Kanban Boards

Kanban boards help visualize workflow and manage tasks efficiently. They are ideal for teams looking to streamline their processes and improve task tracking.

Scrum Boards

Scrum boards are designed for teams practicing Scrum methodology. They help manage sprints, track progress, and ensure that project goals are met within the sprint timeline.

Scrumban Boards

Scrumban combines elements of Scrum and Kanban, offering a flexible approach to Agile project management. It is perfect for teams that need the structure of Scrum but also want the adaptability of Kanban.

Setting Up Your Agile Board

Choosing the Right Type

Selecting the appropriate Agile board type depends on your team’s workflow and project requirements. Agile boards offer customizable options to fit various methodologies.

Key Elements

  • Columns: Define the stages of your workflow.
  • Cards: Create detailed task cards with descriptions, deadlines, and assignees.
  • Swimlanes: Organize tasks by categories or priorities.
  • WIP Limits: Set limits to avoid overloading team members.

Customizing an Agile Board

Agile boards are highly customizable. You can add or remove columns, adjust swimlanes, and personalize task cards to match your team's specific needs and preferences. You can tailor your task management workflow to fit your team's specific needs.

Task Management

Creating and managing tasks is at the heart of using an Agile Board. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  1. Create and Assign Tasks: Start by creating tasks with clear descriptions. Include relevant details like objectives, subtasks, and deadlines. Assign these tasks to team members based on their roles and expertise.
  2. Define Tasks Clearly: Make sure each task is specific and actionable. Ambiguous tasks can lead to confusion and delays. Use bullet points to break down complex tasks into manageable steps.
  3. Move Tasks Across Columns: As tasks progress, move them across columns (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done). This visual representation helps everyone understand the current state of work at a glance.

Workflow Optimization

To keep things running smoothly, regularly review and optimize your workflow:

  1. Review Regularly: Conduct regular reviews of your Agile Board to ensure tasks are moving as expected. Use these sessions to identify any bottlenecks or recurring issues.
  2. Adjust Workflows: Don’t be afraid to tweak your workflow. If certain steps are consistently slowing down progress, consider rearranging or combining them.
  3. Identify Bottlenecks: Look for patterns where tasks tend to stall. Address these areas by reallocating resources, adjusting priorities, or simplifying processes.

Progress Tracking

Monitoring progress is crucial to keep your projects on track you can use the default sprint backlog to track the progress:

  1. Use Metrics and Visual Cues: Leverage metrics such as completion rates, cycle time, and work-in-progress limits. Visual cues like color-coded labels or progress bars can also help in tracking progress effectively.
  2. Identify Delays: Keep an eye out for tasks that are not progressing as planned. Investigate the reasons for delays and take corrective actions promptly.
  3. Adjust Plans Accordingly: Be flexible and ready to adjust your plans based on the insights gathered from your Agile Board. This adaptability is key to maintaining efficiency and meeting deadlines.

Steps to Customize Your Agile Board

  1. Create Your Project:
*   Start by creating a new project using a template or a blank project. Templates come with preset workflows and work types, making it easier to get started quickly.
*   To [**create a project**](, hover on 'Projects' in the sidebar and click the '+' button. Name your project, set start and end dates, and provide a description​.
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  1. Customize Work Types and Fields:
*   Define the types of work items you'll manage, such as tasks, user stories, bugs, and more. [**Customize**]( these work types to include fields that are relevant to your project.
*   Navigate to Project Settings, select Work Type, and click the 'Customize Layout' button. You can add or remove fields, set default values, and arrange the layout according to your preferences​.
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  1. Configure Workflow Stages:
*   Modify the workflow to reflect your project's stages, such as To Do, In Progress, and Done. Add or delete columns as needed to match your team's process.
*   Click the 'Add Status' button to add new columns or drag existing ones to reorder them. You can edit the status types by clicking the settings icon on the column​.
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  1. Automate Tasks and Notifications:
*   Use Leiga’s [**automation features**]( to streamline repetitive tasks. Set triggers for actions like status updates, notifications, or creating subtasks.
*   Go to the Automation settings, select a trigger event, and define the conditions and actions. For example, you can set a rule to notify assignees when a task is moved to a different stage​.
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  1. Visualize and Track Progress:
*   Customize the view settings on your Agile Board to group work items by assignee, parent-child links, or other criteria that make tracking easier.
*   Utilize Leiga's visual tools like Kanban boards and dashboards to get real-time insights into project progress. Drag and drop tasks across columns to update their status and see updates instantly​.
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  1. Collaborate and Communicate:
*   Enhance team collaboration by using comments, mentions, and shared videos. Leiga supports @mentions to notify team members of updates or questions directly within work items.

  • Record and attach screen videos to work items to provide clear, visual explanations. This helps in better understanding and faster resolution of issues​.
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Best Practices for Agile Boards

Tips for Efficiency:

  1. Keep it Simple: Avoid overcomplicating the board with too many columns or tasks. A straightforward board is easier to manage and understand.
  2. Regular Updates: Consistently update the board to reflect the current status of tasks. This keeps everyone informed and aligned.
  3. Clear Priorities: Ensure that high-priority tasks are clearly identified and addressed first. Use color-coding or labels to distinguish these tasks.

Common Pitfalls:

  1. Ignoring the Board: Make sure the Agile Board is consistently used and updated by all team members. Regular usage ensures accurate tracking of progress.
  2. Lack of Training: Provide adequate training to ensure everyone understands how to use the board effectively. This reduces errors and enhances efficiency.
  3. Overloading with Tasks: Avoid overwhelming the board with too many tasks at once. This can lead to confusion and decreased productivity.


  1. Regular Reviews: Hold periodic review meetings to keep the board updated. Use these sessions to discuss progress, address issues, and plan next steps.
  2. Training Sessions: Offer training to onboard new team members and reinforce best practices. Regular training helps maintain a high level of competence across the team.
  3. Set Clear Limits: Implement Work In Progress (WIP) limits to manage workload effectively. This prevents overloading and ensures tasks are completed efficiently.

Agile Project Management Tools and Features

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Insights: Agile boards provide AI-driven insights to help teams make informed decisions.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Track sprint progress and receive early warnings about potential risks.
  • Custom Automation: Automate repetitive tasks to save time and increase efficiency.
  • Integrated Tools: Seamlessly integrate with other project management tools and platforms.

Comparison with Other Tools

Tool Key Features Best For
Leiga AI insights, real-time tracking All team sizes
Jira Advanced reporting, sprint planning Large, complex projects
Trello User-friendly, customizable boards Small to medium-sized teams

Agile Board for Remote Teams

Agile Boards are particularly beneficial for remote teams, and Leiga's Agile Board offers specific features that make managing remote work more efficient and effective in agile development. Here’s why:

Enhanced Visibility and Transparency:

  • Real-Time Updates: Leiga’s Agile Board ensures that any changes made to tasks are immediately visible to all team members. This real-time updating helps keep everyone on the same page, reducing the risk of miscommunication.
  • Visual Workflow: The board provides a visual representation of tasks and their statuses, making it easy for remote team members to understand what is in progress, what is completed, and what is pending.

2. Improved Collaboration:

  • Comments and Mentions: Team members can add comments and use @mentions to directly communicate about tasks. This feature centralizes discussions around specific tasks, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible.
  • Attachments and Videos: Leiga allows adding attachments and recording videos for tasks. These features are particularly useful for remote teams as they provide clear, visual context and detailed explanations without needing a physical presence.

3. Efficient Task Management:

  • Customizable Columns and Swimlanes: Leiga’s Agile Board can be customized to fit the unique workflow of a remote team. By organizing tasks in customizable columns and swimlanes, remote teams can manage their workload more effectively.
  • Subtasks and Dependencies: Breaking down larger tasks into subtasks and setting dependencies helps in managing complex projects, ensuring that remote team members understand their specific responsibilities and deadlines.

4. Automation and Notifications:

  • Automated Notifications: Leiga’s automation capabilities allow remote teams to set up notifications for task updates, status changes, and approaching deadlines. This reduces the need for constant manual check-ins and keeps the team informed.
  • Rule-Based Automation: Automate repetitive tasks and processes to save time and reduce errors. For example, tasks can be automatically moved to the next stage when prerequisites are met, ensuring a smooth workflow.

5. Progress Tracking and Reporting:

  • Dashboards and Reports: Leiga provides customizable dashboards and detailed reports that help remote teams track progress, performance, and project status. This data-driven approach enables better decision-making and helps in identifying and addressing issues promptly.
  • Burndown and Cumulative Flow Charts: These visualization tools help remote teams monitor the progress of their tasks and identify bottlenecks, ensuring that projects stay on track.

6. Seamless Integration:

  • Third-Party Integrations: Leiga integrates with popular tools like Slack, Jira, and GitHub, making it easier for remote teams to connect their Agile Board with other essential tools. This integration streamlines communication and workflow across different platforms.
  • APIs: The availability of APIs allows remote teams to customize their integrations and automate data exchanges between Leiga and other systems they use.

7. Customization and Flexibility:

  • Custom Fields and Templates: Remote teams can add custom fields and use templates to standardize their workflows, making the Agile Board adaptable to different types of projects and team needs.
  • Personalized Themes and Layouts: Leiga allows teams to personalize the appearance of their Agile Board, making it more user-friendly and aligned with their preferences.

Implementation Strategies

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule virtual meetings to review the board.
  • Clear Communication: Use the board to facilitate consistent communication.
  • Collaboration Tools: Integrate Agile boards with communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Key Metrics

  • Cycle Time: The time it takes to complete a task from start to finish.
  • Lead Time: The total time from when a task is created to when it is completed.
  • WIP: Number of tasks currently in progress.

To ensure that your Agile Board is helping your remote team stay efficient and effective, it's crucial to track the right metrics. Leiga offers robust tools to measure and analyze these key metrics:

1. Cycle Time:

  • Definition: Cycle time is the amount of time it takes to complete a task from when it starts to when it is finished.
  • Importance: Tracking cycle time helps teams understand how quickly they can deliver work and identify stages in the process that may be causing delays. Shorter cycle times generally indicate a more efficient workflow.

2. Lead Time:

  • Definition: Lead time measures the total time from when a task is created to when it is completed.
  • Importance: This metric provides a comprehensive view of how long it takes for tasks to move through the entire workflow, from ideation to delivery. By analyzing lead time, teams can improve their planning and predictability.

3. Work In Progress (WIP):

  • Definition: WIP is the number of tasks that are currently in progress at any given time.
  • Importance: Monitoring WIP helps prevent overloading the team and ensures that work is progressing steadily. By setting WIP limits, teams can focus on completing tasks before starting new ones, reducing multitasking and improving quality.

By tracking key metrics like cycle time, lead time, and WIP, remote teams can maintain high productivity and ensure smooth project execution. Customization and integration capabilities further empower teams to tailor the board to their specific needs, making Leiga an indispensable part of any remote team's project management toolkit. Using creative methods and tools could lead to continuous improvement of work efficiency.

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