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Bahman Shadmehr
Bahman Shadmehr

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Bridging the Gap with the Adapter Design Pattern in Python


In the realm of software design patterns, the Adapter pattern emerges as a valuable tool for achieving compatibility between disparate interfaces. This structural pattern allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together smoothly. In this blog post, we'll explore the Adapter Design Pattern through a real-world example involving legacy and modern systems, and demonstrate its implementation in Python.

Understanding the Adapter Design Pattern

Imagine you're tasked with integrating a new system into your existing application. However, the new system's interface doesn't match the interface your application expects. The Adapter Design Pattern comes to the rescue by creating a bridge that translates the new interface into the expected one. This enables seamless interaction between components that otherwise couldn't communicate directly.

The Adapter pattern is your solution for making different interfaces work harmoniously without the need for major code changes.

Key Concepts and Components

The Adapter Design Pattern comprises the following key components:

  1. Target Interface: The interface that the client code expects to interact with.

  2. Adaptee: The existing class that has an incompatible interface.

  3. Adapter: This class acts as a bridge between the Target Interface and the Adaptee. It implements the Target Interface and internally delegates operations to the Adaptee.

Example Implementation in Python

Let's illustrate the Adapter pattern with an example where we need to integrate a legacy SMS service with a modern notification system. We'll create an adapter that enables the legacy SMS service to work with the modern notification interface.

class ModernNotificationService:
    def send_notification(self, message):
        print(f"Sending modern notification: {message}")

class LegacySMSService:
    def send_sms(self, text):
        print(f"Sending SMS: {text}")

class SMSAdapter(ModernNotificationService):
    def __init__(self, legacy_sms_service):
        self.legacy_sms_service = legacy_sms_service

    def send_notification(self, message):

# Client code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    modern_notification = ModernNotificationService()
    legacy_sms = LegacySMSService()
    sms_adapter = SMSAdapter(legacy_sms)

    modern_notification.send_notification("Hello, modern world!")
    sms_adapter.send_notification("Hello, legacy system!")
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Benefits of the Adapter Pattern

  1. Seamless Integration: The Adapter pattern enables integration between systems with incompatible interfaces.

  2. Code Reusability: Adapters allow you to reuse existing classes that would otherwise be incompatible.

  3. Minimized Code Changes: Instead of modifying existing code, you can adapt incompatible interfaces using adapters.

  4. Maintainable Codebase: Adapters make it easier to accommodate changes in external components without major code rewrites.


The Adapter Design Pattern is a versatile tool for making incompatible interfaces work together harmoniously. By creating bridges that translate one interface into another, the pattern promotes compatibility and code reuse. In Python, applying the Adapter pattern to scenarios involving legacy systems and modern interfaces can lead to more maintainable and integrated software solutions. As you embrace the Adapter pattern, you'll be better equipped to handle interface mismatches and achieve seamless interoperability between diverse components.

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