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Pachi 🥑 for Webcrumbs

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What plugins do you dream of?

At Webcrumbs our goal is to revolutionize the way developers create and use plugins, offering a versatile JavaScript ecosystem tailored by you, the community.
Let's take a closer look at what Webcrumbs promises to bring to the world of web development and how you can be part of shaping this innovative platform from the ground up.

What is Webcrumbs?

Webcrumbs is an upcoming platform designed to empower developers by providing a dynamic environment for creating and managing custom plugins. We aim to streamline web development processes, enhancing functionality and reducing time spent on repetitive tasks.
As we build, we are crafting Webcrumbs to be adaptable to various JavaScript frameworks and technologies, making it as versatile as the developers who will use it.

Be Part of the Journey

We are currently developing the core features of Webcrumbs and we want your input!
What plugins do you dream of?
What tools do you wish were at your fingertips?
By sharing your ideas and needs, you help us tailor Webcrumbs to the real-world demands of developers like you.

Call for Early Adopters and Community Input

While Webcrumbs is not yet ready for launch, this is the perfect time to get involved:

Personally, I am super excited to be part of this project from the very beginning and get super happy whenever I get community feedback 🥰

Thanks for reading,

Pachi 💚

Top comments (4)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

There is a SaaS called Klu (I don't remember the name). They apparently let you search stuff across your workflow, like Notion, GitHub, socials, and productivity apps.

So, it's really useful, and that was something I always wanted for some time. I don't dream of plugins (i'm not that techy), but there are some strong needs sometimes...

The waitlist landing page seems cool :)

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

Thank you for your answer, that is a pretty interesting idea and maybe we can build something similar!


levxyca profile image
Leticia @levxyca


enoch91 profile image
Enoch Osarenren

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I recently launched an open-source project called GraphQLPlaceholder, and I'd love your support. Please check it out and give it a star on GitHub Your support would mean a lot to me and help immensely in the project's growth.

Thank you.