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How to Generate Specs Documentation from Smart Contracts using AI tool

If you are looking for a way to generate Specs Documentation from Smart Contracts to understand their functionality before cloning or reusing any functionality for your next project then there is a good news.

That feature already exists from today and it's called "DECIPHER"

DeCipher is a GPT-based web3×AI tool capable of generating precise documentation from any Smart Contract URL on EVM Block Explorers like Etherscan.
From initial feedback by developers the level of accuracy is higher than 90%!

decipher tool

How to Use DeCipher:

  1. Copy the contract URL from a Block Explorer (e.g., Etherscan, BSC Scan, etc.)
  2. Paste the URL into the DeCipher product page (at the above link)
  3. Understand the specifications
  4. Import/Edit and Deploy on any EVM network using Bunzz CLI

Apart from using Decipher at you can also use it directly through a Chrome Extension in your browser, to have it always handy!

With it you can generate docs with one click while keeping the Explorer page open. You can download it here:

See below how easy and fast it is

How to use DeCipher Chrome Extension:

  1. Install the DeCipher Chrome Extension from the link above.
  2. Open the page of the contract you want to document.
  3. Press the “Click Here” button displayed at the bottom right of the screen.

Decipher was developed by Bunzz that also developed other Dapp development tools for blockchain developers. You may check out their Twitter for their latest updates.

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