2 The Hacker Mindset Playbook: Intuitively self-aware systems, with anatomical basis of origin
Temporarily disable specific scopes (anything with critical details) until subject(s) builds their trust(how verifiable are the logs & everything with their digital foot-print in relation to...

#2 The Hacker Mindset Playbook: Intuitively self-aware systems, with anatomical basis of origin
b0bby_seal ・ Nov 26 '23
Easy Queue implementation in Ruby
This post contains some info from the ChatGPT.
You might think, "Queues aren't used much in Ruby," and it's true, you don't often see a queue implementation in Ruby or Rails projects. But for me, the...

Easy Queue implementation in Ruby
José Anchieta ・ Nov 21 '23
A Developer's Guide to Searching Algorithms 🧹🔍
Linear Search Algorithm
The linear search algorithm is a foundational method for locating a target element within an array by sequentially checking each element. This algorithm, while...

Searching Algorithms in JavaScript or TypeScript
bugudiramu ・ Nov 21 '23
Understanding Big O Notation Through the Two Sum Problem (For Beginner)
Hello everyone! Lately, I've been refreshing my knowledge of algorithms and I thought it would be interesting to put together an article on Big-O notation. I want to both solidify my own...

Understanding Big O Notation Through the Two Sum Problem (For Beginners)
koshirok096 ・ Nov 25 '23
1 The Hacker Mindset Playbook: Intuitively self-aware systems, with anatomical basis of origin
Systems void of traceability at micro level; comprehensible at the macro level, point of observation.
Self sustained systems (void of direct externalization) are more difficult to break-in
based on...
Top comments (3)
Shoutout to all the awesome authors featured this week : @vonthecreat0r , @joseanchieta , @bugudiramu , @koshirok096 , and @vonthecreat0r 🙌.
Thanks, @c4r4x35! There's more on the way.
Thank you, my friend.