Benchmarking 'for', 'while', 'for...of', and 'Array.forEach' - using
Currently, let's talk about looping in JavaScript! As we all know that there several methods to do it. Some of the methods that developers usually use are:

Benchmarking 'for', 'while', 'for...of', and 'Array.forEach' - using
Muhammad A Faishal ・ Jul 19
Zustand vs Redux: Choosing the Right State Management Library for Your React App
Introduction to Zustand and Redux
Zustand is a lightweight state management library specifically designed for React applications. Created by the developers behind Jotai and React-spring, Zustand...

Zustand vs Redux: Choosing the Right State Management Library for Your React App
Fernando for IDURAR ・ Jul 22
Modules📤📥 in Node.js : Beginner to Advance💻
Both Browser's javascript (ECMAScript Modules (ESM)) and Node.js's javascript support modules, but there is a difference in syntax. After reading and gaining insightful knowledge about modules in...

Modules📤📥 in Node.js : Beginner to Advance💻
tanishmohanta ・ Jul 20
A complete guide to the Node.js event loop
Written by Joseph Mawa✏️
Node.js is a single-threaded, non-blocking, event-driven JavaScript runtime environment. The Node runtime environment enables you to run JavaScript outside the browser on the...
Use AdonisJS 6 Alpha today
Note: Before we start. The Alpha release is available for sponsors only. You can learn more about the sponsorship program here.
Recently, we outlined in an article what to expect from our new major...
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Shoutout to all the awesome authors featured this week : @maafaishal , @fernando_rodrigues , @tanishtt , @mangelosanto , and @adonisframework 🙌.