🚀 Top 4 ways to send notifications about new stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
In the last article, I discussed creating a GitHub stars monitor.
In this article, I want to show you how you can be informed about new stars daily.
We will learn:
How to build a generic...

🚀 Top 4 ways to send notifications about new stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Eric Allam for Trigger.dev ・ Nov 21 '23
✨11 React Components to Become a Pro 🦃🍁 🥧
"Reactsgiving" is upon us 👨🌾
I have harvested the finest React components you can use to build a powerful web app.
Each has its own flavor.
Don't forget to show your support 🌟
Now, let's...

✨11 React Components to Become a Pro 🦃🍁 🥧
uliyahoo for CopilotKit ・ Nov 21 '23
HTMX - Exploring The Capabilities
Author: Peter O.
In this article, we will explore what HTMX is and its capabilities.
HTMX is a small (14k min. gzipped), dependency-free javascript library that can create...

HTMX - Exploring The Capabilities
Necati Özmen for Refine ・ Nov 22 '23
5 Common useState Mistakes React Devs Make
Author: David Herbert
The most challenging aspect of developing any application is often managing its state. However, we are often required to manage several pieces of state in our...

5 Common useState Mistakes React Devs Make
Necati Özmen for Refine ・ Nov 23 '23
Advanced Node.js React.js Auth JWT Json Web Token httpOnly in cookies
Securing Your Node.js React.js Application with JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication
Here Github Repo : https://github.com/idurar/idurar-erp-crm
Hello, today we're going to discuss how to secure your...

Advanced Node.js React.js Auth JWT Json Web Token httpOnly in cookies
Salah Eddine Lalami for IDURAR | Where Ai Build Software ・ Nov 24 '23
I see a lot of posts in dev but I haven't seen a clean one to explain about Subnetting , So why wait for others lets just jump on and created one myself.. ( And its pretty good Trust me...
Exploit Development: Buffer Overflows
Let’s say you have a candy jar with a capacity for 10 candies. Each candy represents a piece of data. Now, let’s say you have a friend who loves to share candies with you.
In a world...

Exploit Development: Buffer Overflows
Suprim Devkota ・ Nov 24 '23
📜 RepoList - A tool to generate wordlists based on GitHub repositories
Hello everyone, I am back with another tool. This time it is a tool to generate wordlists based on GitHub repositories. I have named it Repolist
It is a simple tool written in Python. The code is...

📜 RepoList - A tool to generate wordlists based on GitHub repositories
Adem Kouki ・ Nov 25 '23
Como identificar vulnerabilidades no código fonte?
Se você é um profissional ou estudante de Segurança de Aplicações, é provável que já tenha se deparado com esta pergunta: “Como posso identificar vulnerabilidades no código fonte?”. Embora pareça uma...

Como identificar vulnerabilidades no código fonte?
Gabriel Galdino ・ Nov 21 '23
IP Address
Well here comes the major question in the entire IT industry , What is an IP Address and why do we need IP address , Who uses IP Address and much more..
Here I am who has done some R&D in this...
Top comments (1)
Shoutout to all the awesome authors featured this week : @maverickdotdev , @uliyahoo , @necatiozmen , @necatiozmen , and @lalami 🙌.