DEV Community

Shlok Madhekar
Shlok Madhekar

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Finals Week Tips

It's that time of year again, not just the holiday seasons, but the finals season of the year.

While this blog is meant for programming, some study tips might help everyone.

To get past the stress, here are some tips I personally use.

A good study environment.

I prefer little to no noise, airpods in, and work open. Getting started is the hardest part of studying, and I find this helps.

Making a cheatsheat.

This helps if you don't know how to study. Make a cheatsheat(even if it's not allowed in your exam), and include as much content as you want. You don't have to take it into an exam hall, but chances are, making it alone will help you memorize most of it in a fun way.

Take breaks

It's pretty stressful to be studying advanced topics. Consider taking breaks to heighten your sense of judgment

Set goals

When you're sitting down, say "I need to finish Chapter 1 Review before getting up", this often helps getting as much work done as you can.

Give yourself rewards

It won't hurt to consume a snack, do a pleasurable activity, or watch an episode of "Family Guy", give rewards in moderation.

I hope this helped, and I wish you best of luck during your finals.

Make sure to follow me so you know right when I post

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