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Montegasppα Cacilhας
Montegasppα Cacilhας

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Recursive Types

Original post in Kodumaro.

I was around with a cyclic reference issue in Scala: JSON representation.

I was using Gson for serialising and deserialising (ain’t going in details), but how to represent the models inside the language ecosystem?

I could follow the Gson documentation and use pojos (case classes are great for it), but I was in need of something more flexible.

I decided to use language primitives, like integers, strings, big numbers, and so one.

So I created some types for deal with that:

type unroll[+A] = A
type JValue = unroll[_ <: Any]
type JArray = Seq[JValue]
type JObject = String Map JValue
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Not bad, I can hold complex objects in JValue variables:

val data: JValue = Map(
  "x" -> 3,
  "y" -> 4,
  "name" -> "test",
  "list" -> Seq("zero", 1, 2, 3, true),
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But odd things started to happen, like:

val element: JValue = <data>This is an XML node</data>
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It should crash! But doesn’t, since NodeSeq is Any’s subclass.

I needed something stricter.

Enter Dotty

Now I’ve tried Scala 3, codename Dotty.

My first unsuccessful attempt was:

type JNull = Unit
type JValue = Int | BigDecimal | String | Boolean | JNull | Seq[JValue] | String Map JValue
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And Dotty put a damper on my plans:

Illegal cyclic type reference: alias Map[Int | BigDecimal | String | Boolean | JNull | Seq[JValue] | String, JValue] of type JValue refers back to the type itself.

Then I hit this strange solution:

type Rec[F[_], A] = A match {
  case Int => Int | F[Rec[F, Int]]
  case _ => A | F[Rec[F, A]]
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Jasper M is suggesting taking advantage of the Scala type erasure to create a runtime LazyRef. So I followed the advice:

type JNull = Unit
type JPrimitive = Int | BigDecimal | String | Boolean | JNull

type Rec[JArray[_], JObject[_], A] = A match
  case JPrimitive => JPrimitive | JArray[Rec[JArray, JObject, JPrimitive]] | JObject[Rec[JArray, JObject, JPrimitive]]
  case _          => A          | JArray[Rec[JArray, JObject, A]]          | JObject[Rec[JArray, JObject, A]]

type JValue = Rec[Seq, [A] =>> String Map A, JPrimitive]
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And vois la! It works pretty well!

// Okay, unit represents null
var x: JValue = ()

// Also okay
x = true

// OMG! Still okay!
x = Map(
  "x" -> 3,
  "y" -> 4,
  "name" -> "test",
  "list" -> Seq("zero", 1, 2, 3, true),

// It throws an exception
x = <data>nope</data>

// If -Yexplicit-nulls is enabled, it throws an exception too
x = null
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Now the JValue is quite stricter, and the WeakRef made the recursive type possible.

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