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Carisa Elam
Carisa Elam

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Beginner–Friendly Basics: Rails Migrations

If you are new to Rails, understanding migrations can feel overwhelming. This article covers the basics and simplifies some of the primary components of migration.

We'll use a super simple blog app deployed via Railway as an example throughout this article.


What is a Rails Migration?

Put simply, it is just a script that updates the schema of a database.

Each migration is like an updated version of your database.

When a Rails project is created, often one of the first things you need to do is to start creating a data model. In our case, a model for the articles that will populate the blog. Because this process involves the creation of a database table, you need to use migration to "change the schema" by setting up the table.

Rails migration commands are simple and plain English, but they translate into SQL queries and get the job done under the hood.


How Do You Perform a Migration?

Migrations can be triggered in a handful of different ways. We'll discuss the main two:

  1. Generating a model
  2. Generating a standalone migration


1. Generating a Model
No need to create all of the files and connections yourself, Rails handles most of the legwork for you.

For our blog example, running this command:

$ rails generate model Article
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would return something like this:

$ rails generate model Article
      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20240812123456_create_articles.rb
      create    app/models/article.rb
      invoke    test_unit
      create      test/models/article_test.rb
      create      test/fixtures/articles.yml
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Let's break that down.
invoke active_record: as it implies, this brings Active Record into the picture

create db/migrate/20240812123456_create_articles.rb: generates a migration file with a class named CreateArticles, which will ultimately create the articles table.

class CreateArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.2]
  def change
    create_table :articles do |t|
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create app/models/article.rb: creates your model

class Article < ApplicationRecord
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...and the model creates concludes by generating some testing files.

2. Generating a standalone Migration
When you need to modify an existing data table or create a new schema change WITHOUT creating a new model, you can use the following command:

$ rails generate migration CreateArticle
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which will output something like this instead:

$ rails generate migration CreateArticle
      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20240812123456_create_article.rb
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As you can see, this command results in fewer things happening. Active Record is invoked, and an article migration file is created. rails generate migration does just what it says—it creates a migration file, not a model.

When would I need to use rails generate migration?

  • Adding or removing columns from existing database tables
  • Renaming a column or a table
  • Changing the data type of a column
  • Creating a join table
  • Deleting ('dropping') a table from the database

Am I done?
At this point, our changes have not actually been applied to the database schema. To do that, you would run:

$ rails db:migrate
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and voila! Your database table has been created, updated, deleted, etc.

How do I know the migration was successful?
Upon completion, the migration should output something like this to confirm success:

==  CreateArticles: migrating =================================================
-- create_table(:articles)
   -> 0.0030s
==  CreateArticles: migrated (0.0030s) ========================================

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What if I mess up something?
Made a mistake? No problem. Migrations are typically reversible, and it's almost as easy as Ctrl–Z! You simply run
$ rails db:rollback and your migration effectively gets "undone." There's more to it than that under the hood, but as long as you have specified how each method should "reverse" itself, Rails handles the rest.

Do I need to reserve the first column for a primary key?
Typically, the first column in a table is reserved for the id, which serves as a unique identifier for each row of the table. By default, Rails automatically includes an auto-incrementing primary key id column to each table. So no need to do that yourself! You won't really "see" that anywhere in the code, you just have to hop on the Rails train and believe that it is happening behind the scenes.


What Else Can Migrations Do?

Migrations are used in a ton of processes within a Rails app. While this article covers just the basics, here are some other things you can do with migrations:

  • Create join tables
  • Change current tables
  • Change current columns
  • Add column modifiers (comment, default, limit, etc.)
  • Create foreign key columns to connect tables
  • Execute custom SQL commands (for when the built-in functions just aren't enough)



While we've just scratched the surface of what migrations can do, it's clear that Rails migrations can simplify the process of updating your database. Like Active Record, migrations are designed to be as user-friendly as possible for developers while all of the complexity is handled behind the scenes.

The result? We can get more done and focus on creating, not configuring.


Helpful Links

The Odin Project
Rails Active Record: Quick Start!
Rails Guide: Active Record Migrations

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