DEV Community

Carlos Castaneda
Carlos Castaneda

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TIL Blog Day 3

Link in Bio

Today I started working on the 'Link in Bio' assignment. I began by creating the basic structure of the app and adding all my social media account links. For the links below that, I decided to create a developer 'toolbelt' with helpful links. These are a few sites that I still go to when I have questions and am looking for a quick refresher.

Link 1

The Mozilla Developer Network, or MDN for short, is the go to website for web developers. Any questions concerning HTML, CSS and JavaScript can be answered by searching this vast site. It is an indispensable tool in web dev.

Link 2

This link is a visual guide to CSS. It has a list of 100+ CSS properties. When you click on a property it gives you a short description of the property and then gives you a few examples of how to use the property.

Link 3

This link is very well known and is a great resource to have handy when working with Flexbox. It is a visual guide that explains the different properties of Flex and how they work.

Link 4

If you want your website or project to have a unique feel you need to change the default fonts. Google Fonts gives you access to hundreds of free to use fonts. You do a quick search and when you find the font you like you click on it and select the different styles you want(italic, bold, light, etc). You can either download the fonts and manually add them to your project or you can use the provided link and embed the font using the link tag in the head of your html document.

Link 5

The last link is a site that helps you learn basic command line commands. When I first started learning Git I struggled using the CLI (command line interface). This site helped me learn a lot of different commands to navigate my folder structure. It can be a bit overwhelming at first but it is very beneficial to learn the basics of the command line.

So those are the 5 links I chose to add to my 'Link in Bio' assignment. I hope that you guys find them useful!

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