DEV Community

Carlos Castaneda
Carlos Castaneda

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TIL Blog Day 4

Ruby on Codecademy

Today I started the Ruby module on Codecademy. This is my first exposure to Ruby and I was excited to get started. Ruby would be my 2nd language as I started learning JavaScript in May 2022. While I am not an expert at JS, I have learned a lot over the last year and have done a few projects and hundreds of JS Codewars challenges. I was curious to see how different Ruby is compared to JS.

I went through control flow, loops, arrays/hashes and blocks/sorting. Overall I can see similarities in both languages. The main issue is learning new syntax and conventions. On a few occasions I declared a variable with the let keyword since I am used to that syntax.

Overall I am excited to finish this Codecademy assignment and start working on coding challenges. I really like working on challenges as I find its the best way to really cement the knowledge in your head. I also picked up a highly rated Ruby book called Learning to Program by Chris Pine. Spaced repetition is one of the best ways to learn new things. I love to learn on the computer as well as sitting down and reading a book.

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