DEV Community

Cosmin Cimpoi
Cosmin Cimpoi

Posted on

The story of x, my Redux pure JS all killer no filler

I am diving into React with Redux.
I always fall into the trap of trying to skip the fundamentals.
I always choose the hard way.
You can never skip the fundamentals.
I do not understand why they put the essentials before the fundamentals but I should have known better.

Here is the story of x, my Redux pure JS all killer no filler:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <p id="xValueDisplay"></p>
    <input id="xValueInput" />
    <button id="xValueSetter">Set</button>
      // the UI
      const xValueDisplayEl = document.getElementById('xValueDisplay');
      const xValueInputEl = document.getElementById('xValueInput');
      const xValueSetterEl = document.getElementById('xValueSetter');

      // the initial state of the reducer
      const appInitialState = {
        x: 'change me'

      // the reducer
      function appReducer(state = appInitialState, action) {
        switch (action.type) {
          case 'x/wasSet':
            return { ...state, x: action.payload};
            return state;

      // the store
      const appStore = Redux.createStore(appReducer);

      // the UI renderer
      function appRender() {
        const state = appStore.getState();
        xValueDisplayEl.innerHTML = state.x;
        xValueInputEl.value = state.x;
      // first render with the state of the store
      // subscribe the renderer to the store updates

      xValueSetterEl.addEventListener('click', function() {
        // we dispatch the x/wasSet action to change store state
        appStore.dispatch({ type: 'x/wasSet', payload: xValueInputEl.value });
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