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Cesar Muñoz
Cesar Muñoz

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My VSCode Extensions

VSCode is a great IDE to work with and very popular for couple of years.
Since I decided to start coding with node & react, I choose VSCode as my main IDE (I was a C# developer before, so I keep in team Microsoft)
From time to time I added, deleted or switch extension of VSCode

My currently extensions are:

Instead of replace each tag, it renames paired tags. This extension is a MUST!


This basically highlights the syntax of ES6/7/8/etc, ReactJsx


I avoid to use comments, really. But sometimes someone add some comments and it's a good thing to highlight to see and make decisions like (refactoring, tech debt, etc).


In Visual Studio (in my C# days) I used a lot of bookmarks, so it's great to have this extension. Great way to navigate through your code.


This matches the brackets with colors. It's awesome!


My native language is Spanish and sometimes I make mistakes writing some variable in English, so this extension tells you if the word you typed is correct or not.


I use docker a lot, and sometimes I'm lazy to start a container in the command line, so this is great tool to start, stop, delete a container.


Basically is a port of DOTENV for vscode


This is my currently theme. I use night owl and others but right now this is the theme for me. Maybe in the future I will change it again.


This extension integrates ESLint into VSCode and will let you know for eslint errors that need to be fix.

This is awesome to compare, see while you are coding, who was the last person to made the modification.


This launch a local development server with live reload


This is a great tool for collaboration. You can work with a partner in realtime, can debug, make call, share terminals. It's an awesome tool!


This basically makes you markdown more pretty


Provides a path autocomplete for vscode


Plugin that autocompletes filenames


This is an awesome tool to distinguish all your vscode windows.
You can set a color in your vscode workspace. I use to check my work and my personal projects

It create a nice code snippet to upload in your blog


Great Tool for formatting. I super recommend it.

I have lots of different configurations, work, personal, talk presentation.
With this extension I can change really quick instead of making modification in my json configuration file.


Great tool to test something really quick.


Instead of adding all the extensions each time I install vscode, I use this extension that keeps everything in sync. (extensions, settings, etc).


Not much to say here, if you see a todo it will highlight.


Like my current theme is Dracula, this my current icons theme. Maybe in the future I will change it


If you have a good extension, please comment below.
I promise the next article will be more interesting.

The next article will be using lambda layers to make your lambda functions more lightweight

See you next time

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