Need to get a note what's in my current typescript node development toolbox. So I can get it back quickly.
I striped out my some other development related software for other platforms such as Haskell and PHP (composer)
HOST OS: Windows 10 Pro for Workstations
- drWeb as Anti Virus solution.
- AnyDesk instead of Teamviewer
After fresh install of windows start with Ninite or Chocolatey
I install Firefox Developer Editon manualy
But since I will install choco I can skip this step
- Chrome
- qBittorrent
- Thunderbird
- 7-Zip
- K-Lite Codecs
- HandBrake
- TeraCopy
- IrfanView
- GIMP (I still use Picasa for photo organization.)
- ShareX
- Foxit Reader
- LibreOffice
- FileZilla
- Notepad++
- Visual Studio Code ( Main IDE )
{N} NativeScript
I install node.js and other nativescript related stuff chocolatey in this order .
choco install -y qBittorrent Chrome Thunderbird VLC HandBrake TeraCopy IrfanView 7zip k-litecodecpackfull GIMP ShareX foxitreader LibreOffice FileZilla notepadplusplus vscode
Global NPM Packages
Yarn classic
Then I add global packages with
yarn add global @vue/cli @vue/cli-init @vue/devtools strapi create-strapi-app pm2 typescript ncu
Visual Studio Code Plug-ins
- NativeScript Extension for Visual Studio Code
- Apollo GraphQL for VS Code
- vscode-language-babel
- Dark+ Contrast Theme
- VS Code ESLint extension
- Git Graph extension for Visual Studio Code
- GitLab VSCode Extension
- GraphQL for VS Code
- VSCode GraphQL
- Graphql For VSCode
- VS Code JavaScript (ES6) snippets
- Kotlin Language
- Material Icon Theme
- NativeScript Vue Snippets for Visual Studio Code
- Node npm
- Prettier Formatter for Visual Studio Code
- Reflow Markdown
- Visual Studio Code Remote - WSL
- vscode-stylelint
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- tailwind-sass-syntax
- Todo Tree
- Tslint
- TypeScript Hero
- Vetur
- Vetur TypeScript Performance Workaround
- Vue VSCode Snippets
- Vuex Suggest
- Webpack
- FlatUI Theme for VSCode
Database Tools
- MySQL Workbench
- Beekeeper Studio (Since I am a beekeeper I need it for MariaDB, Postgres, Amazon RedShift and CockroachDB: Distributed SQL)
- SqLite Studio
- PostgreSQL admin
Online Tools
- mockaroo For Fake data
- excalidraw For Quick Protypes
Databases (Docker Official Images)
- SqLite for all local development
- Postgres for SQL staging and production
- MongoDB for NOSQL staging and production
- Couchbase I use it instead of MongoDB in personal projects.
- CockroachDB: Distributed SQL
- MariaDB instead of MySQL
- Docker Desktop (for Docker Compose)
- VirtualBox (for macOS and Xcode for iOS)
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (for Debian)
- GenyMotion (for Android)
Other Code tools
- massCode All my snippets are here
- insomniaGraphQL and REST api requests
- Cygwin 64
- Git bash
- Putty
- PowerShell 6
- Cmder my main terminal
- ngrok for serving localservers over https
- Listray
Libraries I like to use almost in every project
- Voca The ultimate JavaScript string library
- Lodash
- date-fns Modern JavaScript date utility library
- Vue-Apollo
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