Why don’t MS Teams apply Truncation Search Algorithm?

Both MS Teams and Slack allows searching through all chat sessions, putting an end to the nightmare of trying to find one comment among thousands. If you’ve opted for the free version of Slack, however, the search function only applies to the 10,000 most recent messages.
Microsoft’s WhoBot tool helps with search in MS Teams. This search bot crawls your entire company intranet to surface the data you’re looking for. It also helps you access subject matter experts within your organization so you can find the best person for what you’re looking for.
Anyway Slack allows you to search through 10,000 most recent messages by using Truncation Search Algorithm while MS Teams doesn’t allow this.
Example : I have a message “ReplySlack” in both Slack and MS Teams.
Slack : try searching with “ReplyS*” and found the message.
MS Teams : try searching with “ReplyS*” and can not found the message.
Slack Review: Messaging, Calls, Integrations and Other Features
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