Recently I pushed a long overdue feature for Checkly: SSL for customers' public dashboards. This was kinda, sort of, totally missing when I launched and many customers asked for it.
Setting up free SSL turned out to be fairly smooth because of
- Let's Encrypt.
- A great NPM package called GreenLock.
- Some DNS stuff on AWS Route 53 and EC2.
- Some Vue.js router magic.
Most principles explained here are totally transferable to whatever stack you are using. There are some pretty important gotcha's though, so let's dive in.
The use case
Customers of Checkly can create public dashboards and host them on a custom domain. This way they can show the status of their API endpoints and click flows on a big TV screen or as a status page for their customers, keeping the familiarity of their own domain name.
Here is our own public dashboard:
Checkly public dashboard
For my customers, I wanted the SSL setup to be as easy as possible.
- Customer creates dashboard.
- Customer configures their DNS with a CNAME record that points to
. - Customer hits the configured CNAME and boom π₯ SSL!
This is how we explain it in our docs. Makes sense right? Onwards!
Integrating Let's Encrypt
Let's Encrypt is incredible. I remember the days of hanging on the phone with Verisign in Geneva to get SSL certificates and forking over $400 for what's basically a string of hard to guess characters. That was shitty. I wish I had invented it π€.
Greenlock is also pretty incredible. It's a Node.js Let's Encrypt client that takes care of all the messy bits when interfacing with Let's Encrypt. Its sister project is GreenLock-Express which as you probably guessed makes Greenlock vanilla easy to use from Express.
I'm not going to regurgitate the Greenlock and Greenlock-Express docs. They are excellent. Just have a look at the full configuration example below. This is almost 100% literally the code we run.
const axios = require('axios')
const path = require('path')
const http01 = require('le-challenge-fs').create({ webrootPath: '/tmp/acme-challenges' })
const S3 = { bucketName: 'some-fantastic-private-bucket' }
const store = require('le-store-s3').create({ S3 })
const greenlock = require('greenlock-express').create({
server: '',
version: 'draft-11',
configDir: path.join(__dirname, 'acme'),
app: require('./app.js'),
communityMember: true,
debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
renewBy: 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
renewWithin: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
function approveDomains (opts, certs, cb) {
opts.challenges = { 'http-01': http01 } =
if (certs) { = [certs.subject].concat(certs.altnames)
checkDomain(, (err, agree) => {
if (err) { cb(err); return }
opts.agreeTos = agree
cb(null, { options: opts, certs: certs })
function checkDomain (domains, cb) {
const userAgrees = true
if (domains[0]) {
axios.get(' + domains[0]')
.then(res => {
cb(null, userAgrees)
.catch(err => {
} else {
cb(new Error('No domain found'))
greenlock.listen(80, 443)
Ok, so notice the following things:
The certificates issued by Let's Encrypt need to be "physically" stored somewhere. You can store them on disk, but what if your server explodes? That's why we use the S3 adapter. Just set up a bucket on AWS S3 and pass it in.
Let's Encrypt has a convenient split between
pass in the right URL before putting this live.The
hook allows you to define a custom function to do whatever you need to approve the domain is eligible for a free SSL certificate.
This is super, super nice as it allows you to put the certificate request process on autopilot. If you're on Nginx, the lua-resty-auto-ssl project has a very similar thing. Good write up from the people is here.
For Checkly, I made a simple RPC endpoint in our app that takes a domain name and spits out a true/false
whether the domain belongs to a paying Checkly customer. I'm not going to show that code here. It is just a simple PostgreSQL query. Easy does it.
The app.js
file referenced is a dead simple Express app that leverages the proxy middleware to pass your request β via the Greenlock middleware β to its target.
const express = require('express')
const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware')
const app = express()
target: '',
changeOrigin: true
module.exports = app
This configuration will take care of issuing and renewing SSL certificates. The renewBy
and renewWithin
option control the window for renewals. That's pretty much it.
You know what's nuts? For Checkly's dashboards the target is actually just an S3 bucket with our Vue.js app. Yes, all this hassle for pushing some static Javascript files to a client.
Deployment & setting up DNS
The above app is a pretty dead simple Node.js app. I wrapped it in a Docker container and set up PM2 to start the Express server in production mode.
Ok good! Deploy to Heroku and done right?
No. We run our API on Heroku but in this case this doesn't work. Actually none of the PaaS / Container-aaS I looked at can do this. Why? Because almost all of these hosting services already hijack the Host
header in each HTTP request to determine to which tenant the traffic should go.
This Host
header is crucial, because it contains the unique token β the domain name β by which the Checkly app can determine what dashboard to serve. We'll look at how that works in the next paragraph.
This means you need to have a "clean" IP address and an EC2 instance or other VM hooked up to that IP. You then run your Greenlock based app on that box and bind it to port 80 and 443. Now you can point a DNS A record to that IP and receive the traffic directly, without some other vendor's routing solution in between meddling with your headers.
A record pointing to the Let's Encrypt / Greenlock server
Resolving the right dashboard with Vue.js
The last bit.
A fully SSL encrypted request for is proxied via to our S3 bucket that holds a single page Vue.js app.
The Vue app loads its / route and it determines what component to load. This magic happens in the Vue router.
// router.js
path: '/',
name: 'dashboard',
component: (function () {
return isCustomSub(window.location.hostname) ? PubDashboard : Dashboard
Determine Vue component in Vue router
The isCustomSub() function is pretty specific to your situation. In our case, we just use a regex to determine what to do.
function isCustomSub (host) {
const reg = new RegExp('app|app-test|www')
const parts = host.split('.')
return !reg.test(parts[0])
The PubDashboard
component uses the exact same logic to send an API request to the Checkly backed and fetch whatever is configured for the dashboard associated with that specific hostname. Whenever and wherever hostnames don't match up, or a customer is not on a paid, plan we just serve an error.
The customer experience
This is what the end result looks like for my customers. They configure the custom domain and once that works, it's done!
Top comments (5)
If you don't need SSL to terminate at the EC2 level you can get a free certification via ACM (Amazon Certification Manager) which can be attached to CloudFront or Application Load Balancer.
It's very good practice to have your EC2 always in front of CloudFront or Application Load Balancer. Using ACM is way less of a hassle that LetsEncypt.
Also having your SSL terminate at CloudFront or ELB means you can design your app without worrying about SSL. Forcing SSL on Rails can have some annoying caveats.
Can you add certificates for multiple domains to the same load balancer dynamically?
I also do use ACM with a LoadBalancer. Dunno about the limitations for this kind of use-case.
@andrew Brown: do you have a similar use-case, or like me non frequently changing certificates/domains?
ALB supports multiple Certifications so you View/Edit Certificates

And then you can attach them. Since there is pagniation I believe you can attach many certificates.

Automation is possible via CloudFormation
LetsEncrypt have revoked around 3 million certs last night due to a bug that they found. Are you impacted by this, Check out ?
Amazon cloud front + certificate manager can't do this?