Chingu Weekly — Vol. 140
Development is a puzzle that takes a team to put together

News, Shout-outs & Showcases
🏄♂️ Voyage 30 starts on May 3! Applications closed on April 27, but guess what??? Voyage 31 starts on May 31 so you can still join up to start building the experience you need to build your Developer career!
⛵️ Voyage 29 started Sprint 4 this week. Teams are making progress on their project to reach their MVP.
🏆 Check out the web site this Voyage 28 team created!

🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations to the following Chingus for reaching milestones in their Web Development careers!!!
- Congratulations Nellie on being named as the co-chair for the Data on Kubernetes Community event for KubeCon!
- Thank you Jaytula for contributing to the Chingu Quiz open source project.
- Fantastic news from fancyaction that he landed a Software Engineer job last week! He’ll be working on frontend projects using ReactJS, but has the opportunity to move into backend project too.
- Take a look at the cool portfolio page BirdyArt put together

Overheard in Chingu
“Custom built computers are a pain to diagnose. But at least now I know what my ordinary boot sequence is. Thought it was a hard drive.”
“TIL check the obvious when you get a bug report. Support doesn’t always catch the issues 😀”
“Today I learned that I have almost completely forgotten CSS 😅 Well, not really. But after 5 months just focusing on JS/React/Node/MongoDB/testing, I really need to refresh my memory a lot 😀”
“Yesterday I learned that Flask started out as an April Fool’s joke in 2010.”
“TIL how to magically import components in Vue using lodash”
“I started looking at swift recently cause I’m interested in the ARKit”
“And I am just lying on the couch with my laptop, watching FrontendMasters. Chill day😀”
Resources of the Week
There are a lot of package managers out there. Which can be good when they force each other to keep improving.
Quote of the Week
Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
We all make mistakes and we all encounter problems when developing and testing our projects.
There is no shame in this since it’s a fact of every Developers life. So why is it so hard to ask for help???
All too often we tend to view issues we encounter as failings when we should be viewing them as opportunities to learn — both for ourselves and those we ask to help us.
Asking for help has many positive outcomes including:
- Faster problem resolution
- More team members gaining familiarity with different parts of the app
- More complete analysis of problem impact across the app
- Identification of the best solution
- Increased learning for you and the team mate(s) who are helping
- Less likelihood of repeating the same problem
There is no shame in asking for help. The only shame is not asking for help sooner!
Before you Go!
Chingu helps you to get out of “Tutorial Purgatory” by transforming what you’ve learned into experience. The experience to boost your Developer career and help you get jobs.
You can learn more about Chingu & how to join us at
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