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What is Dandelion?

I'm going to write a series of posts about a project I'm working on called Dandelion.

The purpose of this post is to give an overview of what Dandelion is so I can reference it as context in other posts.

Dandelion is:

A mobile web application for collaboratively helping people who need things.

Specifically, it was originally developed for a group of people (volunteers) who visit people who are living outside (residents) and offer help. Residents ask for things like batteries, tents, boots, propane stoves, etc.

When a resident tells a volunteer that they need something, the volunteer can record the request on Dandelion. Currently, in the code, we refer to this recorded request as an AidRequest. Volunteer can mark themselves as working on an aid request, mark it as complete, comment on it, tag other volunteers, and more. In a future post, I'll describe the features in more detail.

The app hasn't been used by actual volunteers since about October 2022, and I'm not actively promoting it for real-life use as of 12/15/22. In the future, when the app supports more features, this may change.

For now, I'm using the app as a pet software project to which I can apply new concepts that I learn.

Here's a non-exhaustive list of things I'm considering learning by applying them to Dandelion:

  1. Clean Architecture
  2. Different authentication methods, e.g., sign in with Google, email a magic link
  3. Multi-Factor Authentication
  4. Protection from DDOS
  5. Protection from XSS
  6. Serving static assets through a CDN
  7. Using spritesheets
  8. Adapting the app to be open to the public, rather than allowlist-only
  9. Unit testing under Clean Architecture, using a test API
  10. React testing
  11. Using different kinds of databases (it currently only supports MongoDB)

I don't know if anyone is going to read this, but if you do, feel free to comment other things I could try learning with this project :)

In my next post, I'll describe the existing features of Dandelion and some features I want to add to it next. After that, I'll dive into my current project, which is refactoring the backend to use Clean Architecture.

All my posts will be on GitHub and my DEV page. The source code for this post is on GitHub here.

The source code for Dandelion is on GitHub here.

Demo Video:

Demo Video

Top comments (1)

leomujo profile image

Of course we are reading, go for it!