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Cover image for Using the GOV.UK Design System with Laravel
C.S. Rhymes
C.S. Rhymes

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Using the GOV.UK Design System with Laravel

I recently worked on a project using the GOV.UK Design System with a Laravel project. The GOV.UK frontend provides layouts and accessible HTML components with their own CSS and JavaScript. The two packages worked really well together, so I thought I would provide a quick example of how to get it setup.

Things to consider

Before you use the GOV.UK frontend you must consider the following:

You’re welcome to use the template even if your service isn’t considered part of GOV.UK, but your site or service must not:

  • identify itself as being part of GOV.UK
  • use the crown or GOV.UK logotype in the header
  • use the GDS Transport typeface
  • suggest that it’s an official UK government website if it’s not

GOV UK Frontend Readme

Creating a new project

First we create a new Laravel project, let’s call it gov-uk-laravel-demo:

composer create-project laravel/laravel gov-uk-laravel-demo
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Install npm dependencies

Then we change into the directory and install our npm dependencies.

cd gov-uk-laravel-demo
npm install
npm install govuk-frontend --save
npm install sass vite-plugin-static-copy —dev
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Importing the styles

Rename resources/css/app.css to resources/scss/app.scss and add the following content.

$govuk-assets-path: "/build/assets/";

@import "node_modules/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/all";
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The sass variable is updating the default path from /assets/ as we are using vite, which puts everything inside a build folder.

Importing the JavaScript

In resources/js/app.js, update to the following to initialise the govuk-frontend JavaScript.

import "./bootstrap";

import { initAll } from "govuk-frontend";

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Configuring vite and building

Update vite.config.js to build our scss files (previously css) and copy the fonts and images to the public/build/assets folder using the viteStaticCopy plugin.

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import laravel from "laravel-vite-plugin";
import { viteStaticCopy } from "vite-plugin-static-copy";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      input: ["resources/scss/app.scss", "resources/js/app.js"],
      refresh: true,
      targets: [
          src: "node_modules/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/assets/",
          dest: "",
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Then run npm run build to build the css, js and copy the relevant assets.

Creating a page

Copy and paste the default page template HTML from the documentation page into the welcome.blade.php file.

Remove the script tags at the bottom of the page

<script type="module" src="/javascripts/govuk-frontend.min.js"></script>
<script type="module">
  import { initAll } from "/javascripts/govuk-frontend.min.js";
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Then replace these two lines in the head:

<link rel="manifest" href="/assets/manifest.json" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/govuk-frontend.min.css" />
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With this:

@vite(['resources/scss/app.scss', 'resources/js/app.js'])
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Then run php artisan serve and head to http://localhost:8000 to view our new page.

What next

From here you can start building your app by creating a layout blade component that other pages can reuse, then create reusable components following the HTML examples in the GOV.UK Design System.

Photo by NegativeSpace on StockSnap

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