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Where is the best place to put your project documentation?

C.S. Rhymes on February 22, 2019

Making a project, library or package sometimes seems like the hard part, but if you want someone else to use it you probably want to spend a decent...
learnwithparam profile image
Paramanantham Harrison • Edited
  • Readme for setup and running instructions
  • Github pages for style guides and best practices documents
  • Wiki for trouble shooting guide (usually not used by me often personally)
  • Docasuarus for all implementation details and guides for development team

Its always good to put in one place, we use dacasuarus at Jobbatical for most things.

  • docasuarus (open source by facebook) and readme are the go to place for finding documents. Rest all will be secondary and often missed out
adambrandizzi profile image
Adam Brandizzi

Good points! It is very relevant to remember that there are different documentation types. Also, I really like that your listing maps so well to the categories from one of my favorite articles: I guess you may like it, and @chrisrhymes too! :-)

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes

I hadn’t heard of docasaurus before. I’ll check it out!

equiman profile image
Camilo Martinez • Edited

I think Docusaurus is open source project for Facebook, not Google.

learnwithparam profile image
Paramanantham Harrison

Yes, by Facebook. Will edit my comment. Thanks

priteshusadadiya profile image
Pritesh Usadadiya

Our (the company i work for) go to place for all of this is Confluence.From documenting Meeting notes to Release notes, SOWs, Wiki,HowTo Guides, Functional and Technical documents. Everything in one place yet independent from each another.

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes

Great idea to put everything in one place. Much better than searching multiple locations.

jamesstone profile image
James Stone • Edited

Fantastic article. I recently did some research for a presentation about open source docs and here were some key takeaways. Some are much in line with your suggestions. The readme was equally as important as the website.

And some more developer specific ones were that 1) you can just publish the readme also as the website as a MVP with one click from github 2) that wiki's were a waste of time 3) you should pay close attention to he content of the readme as well as making sure it is accessible.

The github page for the event has more info on good documentation practices, but also tries to apply them in github as well.

So the counterpoint in my daily consulting work is that the reality can be far from these ideals. One thing that is nice about open source is it gives you a way to practice best practices out in the open and gain experience and feedback. And sometimes it is about looking for small wins that will help the team short, medium and long term. Rather than some large rewrite.

Try to avoid the no docs / just read the code mentality. Use the "what if person x got hit by a bus" reasoning to try to create a way that the basics of the operation can be restarted and built upon. This will help not only in an emergency situation, but also onboarding new developers, increasing visibility with stakeholders, and allowing others on the team (for example designers) to deepen their understanding of the project.

squgeim profile image
Shreya Dahal

What is your process to make sure the documentation is up to date with the codebase? I prefer to keep documentation on implementation detail in the codebase itself (MD files). This way a documentation update can be part of the code review and are always in sync with what branch you are working in.

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes

Good point! It’s always important to keep documentation up to date.

One thing you can do if you are using github pages is to create a docs folder in the project root and configure the settings to publish the page from there.

hiddewie profile image
Hidde Wieringa

I really miss 'code' here.

As soon as developers are the target audience of the documentation, I have found that docs written in a wiki, Confluence or other external documentation tool always become outdated. And not in a year but rather one or a few weeks. Either it takes a lot of effort to update the docs or nobody will read them anymore.

Documentation in code solves this. A search for a code term also shows documentation. Whenever you open a source file with docs, it it easy to (also) update them in a PR. There are many tools for most languages to (auto) process docs to HTML or PDF form for distribution. And most importantly, the meaning/context/design of a model is clear the moment you read the code.

Of course, some documents are more drafts and should not be included in code. But even drafts and design documents can be included and removed/updated later. Especially because many documents are written in markdown so can be embedded in the relevant source file (often a model or root aggregate of a model).

exbe profile image

Source code is the best documentation, dammit.

shahor profile image
exbe profile image

EVERYTHING can be misused. That's why they say drink responsibly.

Thank you for the link, this is awesome ;)

Thread Thread
shahor profile image

You're welcome :)