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Cover image for Setting Up the Workspace for Decentralized Web Nodes in JavaScript
Chris Siku
Chris Siku

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Setting Up the Workspace for Decentralized Web Nodes in JavaScript

This chapter will help you configure your JavaScript workspace for working with Decentralized Web Nodes (DWN). Follow these steps to set up your development environment:


Step 1 : **Open your terminal, create and change the working directory

and :**

   mkdir web5-dwn
   cd web5-dwn
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Step 2 : Initialize a package.json file using NPM:

   npm init -y
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will create a package.json file in your project.

Step 3 : Install Web5 using NPM:

   npm install @web5/api@0.11.0
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Step 4 : Open the project in your preferred code editor (e.g., VSCode):

   code -r .
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 5 : Edit the package.json file to include "type": "module" so your project recognizes JavaScript modules:

     "dependencies": {
       "@web5/api": "0.11.0"
     "type": "module"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 6 : Create an index.js file for your application logic:

   touch index.js
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For Windows using PowerShell:

New-Item index.js -ItemType File
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

At this point, your workspace and package.json file should look like this:

Setting Up the Workspace for Decentralized Web Nodes in JavaScript

Next ⏩️ ⏩️ ⏩️ Connect to Web5 and on a DWN

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