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Christian Kohler
Christian Kohler

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Bundling Angular Modules

Bundling Angular Modules

NgModules are controversial. They make it harder getting started with Angular. They might become optional in the future. But today they are here and it is helpful to understand how they work and how you can use them to write modular and performant applications.

With the recent updates, especially with Ivy, NgModules became less intrusive and easier to use. In this blogpost I want to give you an overview what you need to know about NgModules in the Ivy world.

Table of Contents

  • Tldr;
  • Why do we need NgModules?
  • How to make a component available in a NgModule
  • How modules are bundled
  • Best practices
  • Summary


  • Today NgModules are mainly used to register components, directives and pipes
  • There are two types of NgModules: Eagerly loaded and lazy loaded modules
  • Eagerly loaded modules are always bundled in the main bundle
  • Lazy loaded modules have their own bundle file


Most of the learnings in this blog post apply not only to components but to directives and pipes as well. I use components as a drop in replacement for components/directives/pipes to keep it simple.

Why do we need NgModules?

With Ivy, one of the main reasons we need NgModules is to register components, directives and pipes.

When Angular parses a template and sees a custom tag/element (e.g. <component-a></component-a>), the parser looks for a registered angular component which matches the selector.

Every framework has this challenge. React uses JSX, Vue solves it with a components property on the component:

var ComponentA = {
  /* ... */

var ComponentB = {
  components: {
    "component-a": ComponentA
  // ...
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Angular solves it with the declaration property on @NgModules:

  selector: "component-a",
  template: "hello"
export class ComponentA {}

  selector: "component-b",
  template: "<component-a></component-a>"
export class ComponentB {}

  declarations: [ComponentA, ComponentB]
export class MyModule {}
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The Angular compiler uses that information and adds all registered components which are used to the component definition. Actually, the directives array in the compiled component looks somehow similar to Vue's approach with the components definition.

In a simplified example, ComponentB would be compiled to this:

class ComponentB {}

ComponentB["ɵcmp"] = ɵɵdefineComponent({
  template: function(rf, ctx) {
    // template: <component-a></component-a>
    ɵɵelement(0, "component-a");
  directives: [ComponentA] // <- register ComponentA
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With that, Angular makes sure that:

  1. The component is included in the bundle since it is referenced
  2. The component template can compile its child components

If you want to go more into detail, here is a working example of an Angular app without NgModules and with the directives array to register components:

Other use cases

  • The AppModule is also responsible to define how the application is bootstrapped.
  • Even though nowadays most providers/services can be defined without NgModules it is still a solution for more complex scenarios.
  • In pre-Ivy applications, entryComponents needed to be defined. Not required anymore in the Ivy-world.
  • Additional schemas can be defined. For example to use custom elements with Angular.

How to make a component available in a NgModule

As we now learned, by declaring a component in a NgModule, we make it available to use in other components.

Let's have a closer look how we can make components available in different NgModules.

Directly declare it

  selector: "my-component",
  template: "hello"
export class MyComponent {}

  declarations: [MyComponent]
export class MyModule {}
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This is the easiest way to make a component available within a NgModule.

Import it from a different NgModule

Let's say the component is declared in a different NgModule (e.g. "MyComponents") and we want to use it in "MyModule". We need to do two things:

1. Export the component to make it available for other components (think of it as public components)

  selector: "my-component",
  template: "hello"
export class MyComponent {}

  declarations: [MyComponent],
  exports: [MyComponent]
export class MyComponents {}
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2. Import the NgModule (e.g. "MyComponents") in "MyModule"

  imports: [MyComponents]
export class MyModule {}
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If you only import the NgModule without exporting the component, the component is not available in the other module:

That is why you have to make sure to also export components you want to make "public".

A common question is:

Can I import my component library module in the main NgModule and then use the components in all feature modules?

Answer is no. You have to explicitly import the component library module in every feature module.

That brings up the question:

Will it have an impact on the bundle size if I import a NgModule in every feature module?

Short answer is no. But let's have a closer look in "How modules are bundled".

How modules are bundled

Angular knows two kind of NgModules:

  • Eagerly loaded modules
  • Lazy loaded modules.

The AppModule is always loaded eagerly. Lazy modules can be loaded when we navigate to a lazy route. That way the browser doesn't need to load the full application initially.

The way we define NgModules affects the resulting JavaScript bundle files.

Let's have a closer look.

Component not declared

If you don't declare a component in a NgModule, the component is not bundled. Luckily the compiler throws an error in that case.

Most simple example

The simplest example is a single module declaring a single component. In that case, as you would expect, the component is bundled in the main JavaScript bundle.

Separate EagerModule

Every eagerly loaded module is bundled in the main JavaScript bundle. Eagerly loaded modules are always defined in the AppModules import array or in a transitive module (e.g. AppModule <- EagerModule <- OtherModule).

Lazy loaded Modules

A lazy loaded module is not directly imported via the imports array but is defined within the router configuration.

const routes: Routes = [
    path: "lazy-route",
    loadChildren: () =>
      import("").then(m => m.LazyModule)
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That way the module is only loaded when the user navigates to this page. Angular creates a separate JavaScript bundle for the lazy loaded module.

Shared modules

Shared modules are NgModules which declare and export some components / directives / pipes or services. We could also say it is a small library.

If a shared module is only imported in a lazy loaded module, it is bundled in the lazy bundle.

If the shared module is imported in both, an eager loaded module and a lazy loaded module it is only bundled in the main bundle.

If the shared module is imported in two lazy loaded modules (but not in an eagerly loaded module) a common bundle is generated for the shared code and loaded together with the first lazy loaded module.


As you can see, Angular is very clever to split the application in multiple bundles. What you need to know though:

  • If you import a module, all components are bundled, even if not all are used.
  • The smaller the modules the better Angular can optimise the bundles.

Best practices

So now we know why and how components are bundled. But we don't now when to create a module. Should you make small or big bundles? What are the best practices?

There is no simple answer to those questions. This is why I will create a follow up post where I try to answer those questions. Stay tuned ;-)


NgModules are required to register components, directives and pipes. All eagerly loaded NgModules are bundled in the main bundle. Lazy loaded modules all have a separate bundle. Shared modules are bundled in an optimal way to not load them too early.

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Top comments (4)

chan_austria777 profile image
chan 🤖

Awesome article. I just want to ask if is there a way to bundle eager-loaded modules similar to lazy-loaded modules? I'm trying to figure that one out, we need it in our use case for developing browser extension

christiankohler profile image
Christian Kohler

Hey Chan, thank you. I don't understand your question. Could you give me some more context?

chan_austria777 profile image
chan 🤖 • Edited

sure, basically we need to compile certain modules to their own bundle file. The only way Angular creates a separate bundle is when they're lazy-loaded using routes, but is there a way to create a separate bundle for modules that are non-routed.

We need to bundle certain modules since we want to embed those certain modules inside a iframe.

glebirovich profile image
Gleb Irovich

Thanks for the great article! I was wondering exactly about the code splitting in Angular and what is included where. Very well explained with those nice figures!

👋 Kindness is contagious

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