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Beyond appendChild: Better convenience methods for HTML

Sam Thorogood on June 09, 2019

I've built on the web for a while now. So long that when I'm writing vanilla HTML/JS, my go-to has always been .appendChild() to add new HTML eleme...
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

It never occurred to me to create new elements with object assign. 🔥 I always created the element then added properties and attributes after.

samthor profile image
Sam Thorogood

I nearly didn't include this one—it was added last. But I've seen a few people remark on how neat it is in some of my codebases, so I'm glad to share? 🤷

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

It's so useful when adding a bunch of properties to .style 🙂

Object.assign(, {
 left: x + 'px',
 top: y + 'px'
Thread Thread
nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

I made a little helper function based on your example @samthor which also handles inline styles. Thought I'd share here in case anyone else finds it useful. So the only thing else I added was handling inline style and wrapped it all into a function.

// Inspired from Sam Thorogood's article,
function createElement(nodeName, props) {
const { style = {}, ...propsNoStyle } = props;
const element = Object.assign(document.createElement(nodeName), propsNoStyle);
for (const key in style) {[key] = style[key];
return element;
yansusanto profile image
Yan Susanto

Hi Sam,

For some reasons I stumbled upon your article while googling and if I may ask, how would you write vanilla JS for this

        '<span class="toggle"><span></span><span></span></span>'

Your input is much appreciated ;)

samthor profile image
Sam Thorogood • Edited

For a one-liner... hmm:

  Object.assign(document.createElement('span'), {className: 'toggle', innerHTML: '<span></span><span></span>'}),

If you're not happy using innerHTML then it could look like this:

const toggleEl = Object.assign(document.createElement('span'), {class: 'toggle'});
toggleEl.append(document.createElement('span'), document.createElement('span'));
jonathanburnhill profile image
Jonathan Burnhill

I keep coming back to this because I love it and am using the object assign right now, I have a little question.

Is there a way in object assign to insert children such as for instance if I want to put a x next to a image to say delete?

samthor profile image
Sam Thorogood

I don't think so, sorry. You can't assign to .children in this way.

jonathanburnhill profile image
Jonathan Burnhill

Thanks for your reply, I was playing with it a little bit probably when I should have been concentrating on work 😂.
You can use innerHTML though!! And I called the on click with a function so learned 2 new things yesterday about it

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

As a curiosity: .remove on <select> elements can take an optional argument. Why?

Because it's the method used to remove an option from its list. So, in this specific case, .remove does two different things: when called with no parameters, removes the element itself; when a index is passed, it removes the corresponding option in the list.

I'd suggest the awkwardly-specified, but still quite useful methods .insertAdjacentElement/.insertAdjacentHTML/.insertAdjacentText, that originated with Internet Explorer 4 (!), and take two arguments. The first of which is a string among 'beforebegin', 'beforeend', 'afterbegin' and 'afterend'. Weird.

But anyway, while the other two can be nicely polyfilled with other methods, .insertAdjacentHTML is quite unique, and can be seen as the only correct way to append a piece of HTML to an element without too much fuss or making a mess (someone said el.innerHTML += '<b>Just kidding!</b>'?).

samthor profile image
Sam Thorogood

I've not really used the .insertAdjacent... methods. Good point about adding HTML though—I suppose the other way to do that is to create a dummy node (or fragment) and then append the content of that, but that is nice... if you're adding HTML directly.

kienngo profile image

const el = Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), {
textContent: Your div now has text,
className: 'and-is-classy',

This is sooooo gooood!!!

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Object.assign works wonderfully~~~


jonathanburnhill profile image
Jonathan Burnhill

I love this and will be playing with it today!!