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Setup my blog using Hexo

Static site generator

When I want to write some technical blogs and publish them online, from programmers' point of view, there are many options for static website generator, such as jekyll, octopress, Hugo, pelican, Nuxt, hexo, etc. It is actually not that easy to say which one is the best, depends largely on your needs and background, e.g. jekyll and octopress is ruby based, Hugo is powered by Go, pelican is written in python, Nuxt is Vue based, and hexo is built on nodejs. You can of course pick any one to start with, I did some investigation and comparison and finally end up choosing hexo, simply because it is easy to start with, and I like its simple and clean style.

Setup hexo

Two dependencies need to be installed in advance:

I am using Debian based system:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo npm install -g hexo-cli

Then to create a new blog system:

hexo init myblog
cd myblog
npm install

All the settings could be customized in _config.yml. Read more at

Now the basic setup is done, to serve it locally

hexo server


There are many themes available at , and I like NexT most.

To install it:

cd myblog
git clone themes/next

From the blog _config.yml , set language to default (English) and theme to nexT

language: default
theme: next

To make tags work:

hexo new page "tags"

A file called will be created under source/tags,

title: tags
date: 2015-06-27 11:37:19

and add type: "tags" to it, then enable tag inside _config.yml located at themes/next, just uncomment it

  home: /
  categories: /categories
  archives: /archives
  tags: /tags

Similar procedure for categories

hexo new page categories

add type: "categories" to source/categories/, and enable it from _config.yml.


I am using Github to host the static page, so firstly create a repository called, then edit the blog _confg.yml file

  type: git
  branch: master
  message: hexo deploy

To create a new post:

hexo new "title"

write the post, update it and view the layout on you local machine

hexo server

If your post is too long, it is good to insert <!--more--> tag in your markdown source file somewhere when it is needed.

To deploy it to Github, install git deployer if you haven't

npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

And then generate all the files and deploy

hexo clean
hexo generate
hexo deploy

a reference workflow image could be found here:

You may notice after hexo generate it will generate a public folder, and will be pushed to Github by hexo deploy, however it is always good to keep a backup of your original makedown posts somewhere, either push it into a different git repository, or use the script below to backup for you automatically during deployment.

hexo clean
hexo generate
if test -d public/posts_backup
    rm -rf public/posts_backup
cp -r source/ public/posts_backup
hexo deploy

To setup custom domain, you need to create a file called CNAME under the source folder, and put your domain into it, then configure the A records from you DNS provider.

Refer more details here.

Now we are done! Enjoy it and have fun! :)

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