React Native ships with a Picker Component providing bindings to native implementations of this most basic UI element. It renders as an UIPickerView on iOS and as a Spinner on Android devices:
As seen on the demos, the output is totally different on iOS and Android. If you want a consistent look & feel on both platforms, official React Picker component is definitely not the way to go.
Another issue with the stock component is platform-specific props, which causes you to add platform-specific code to your project to make it work on both platforms.
We took an alternative approach and developed a modal-view based list picker component. It renders consistently on both platforms and provides an unified API.
Additionally, the component includes built-in support for text search and alphabetical index which makes it ideal for longer lists not suitable for "wheel pickers":
If you want it give a try, a live demo can be seen on Expo and the full source code with complete API documentation is available on Github:
An unified React Native Picker Modal component for iOS and Android.
React Native Picker Modal View
An alternative to Picker and PickerIOS components with an unified API and consistent look & feel on both plaforms. It's fully configurable and includes built-in support for text search and alphabetical index. Ideal for longer lists not suitable for "wheel-pickers".
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-picker-modal-view --save
$ yarn add react-native-picker-modal-view
Live Demo with Expo
import * as React from 'react';
import { Button, SafeAreaView, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import PickerModal from 'react-native-picker-modal-view';
import data from '../../../top20.json';
export default class Main extends React.Component<{}, { selectedItem: {} }> {
constructor(props: {}) {
this.state = {
selectedItem: {}
public render
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