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CK Lee
CK Lee

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I log, you log, we log for the love of logs

The number of Docker containers deployed in our production boxes have steadily grown over the past 3 years. Last count - 284 containers running. I love logging but I'm shy to say we only just implemented centralised logging for these Docker containers yesterday.

We are a profitable bootstrapped startup, and we don't have VC's money bags 💰 and unicorns 🦄 to chase. At TAGGUN, our top priority is to serve our customers by building receipt and invoice OCR scanning API that doesn't suck. So, the power of scarcity has deemed centralised logging as a YAGNI until a few days ago.

I wished I had a cheatsheet to implement centralised logging for Docker containers. So, I'm sharing it here with you to save you time and money.

How is it done?

  • Jump to the Docker host
  • Create or Modify the daemon.json found at /etc/docker
  • You may need to sudo -i first to access this area as the root user.
  • Restart the docker daemon (this will take this box down for about 15-20 seconds) sudo systemctl restart docker
  • Verify the docker logger docker info --format '{{.LoggingDriver}}'
  • docker ps (This is to validate that docker has restarted without issues)

What configuration for daemon.json?

    "log-driver": "syslog",
    "log-opts": {
        "labels": "docker-<machine_name>",
        "tag": "docker-<machine_name>[{{.ImageName}}/{{.Name}}]",
        "mode": "non-blocking"


  • log-driver is built in logging driver for docker; syslog is the one we're using because many server monitoring agents can easily read them from Syslogs.
  • labels don't get logged to syslog it seems; left in because of docker best practices.
  • tag does get logged to syslog. This is how you can let your log viewers knows what the application name, and processes are.
  • mode is set to non-blocking which means a memory buffer is used for logging to syslog. if the log backpressure exceeds a certain point, logs will simply be dropped from this buffer, rather than blocking.

My recommended logging as a service platforms

  • Site24x7
  • Loggly
  • Sematext
  • Elastic Cloud (I love Elasticsearch and ELK stack. But my managed cluster is down too frequently)

[Cover photo by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash]

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