JavaScript continues to evolve, and staying updated with the latest shortcuts and techniques is essential for writing clean, efficient, and modern code. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, these 200 JavaScript shortcuts will help you streamline your workflow and write better code in 2025. Let’s dive in!
1. Basic and ES6+ Shortcuts
These shortcuts cover fundamental JavaScript syntax and ES6+ features like destructuring, arrow functions, and template literals.
// Javascript shortcuts by DHANIAN @e_opore
1. const x = 10; // Use const for constants
2. let y = 20; // Use let for variables
3. const arr = [1, 2, 3];
4. const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };
5. const { a, b } = obj; // Destructuring
6. const [first, second] = arr; // Array destructuring
7. const name = || 'Default'; // Default value
8. const name = ?? 'Default'; // Nullish coalescing
9. const func = () => {}; // Arrow function
10. const add = (a, b) => a + b; // Arrow function with return
11. const square = x => x * x; // Single param arrow function
12. const greet = name => `Hello, ${name}`; // Template literals
13. const arr2 = [...arr]; // Spread operator
14. const obj2 = { ...obj, c: 3 }; // Spread in objects
15. const sum = (...args) => args.reduce((a, b) => a + b); // Rest operator
16. const isTrue = true;
17. const result = isTrue && 'Yes'; // Short-circuit evaluation
18. const result2 = isTrue || 'No'; // Short-circuit evaluation
19. const value = obj?.a?.b; // Optional chaining
20. const func2 = (a = 10) => a; // Default parameter
21. const arr3 = Array(5).fill(0); // Fill array
22. const arr4 = Array.from({ length: 5 }, (_, i) => i); // Array from
23. const arr5 = [ Set(arr)]; // Remove duplicates
24. const arr6 = => x * 2); // Map
25. const arr7 = arr.filter(x => x > 1); // Filter
26. const arr8 = arr.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0); // Reduce
27. const arr9 = arr.flat(); // Flatten array
28. const arr10 = arr.flatMap(x => [x, x * 2]); // FlatMap
29. const str = 'Hello';
30. const str2 = str.includes('ell'); // String includes
31. const str3 = str.startsWith('He'); // String startsWith
32. const str4 = str.endsWith('lo'); // String endsWith
33. const str5 = str.repeat(2); // Repeat string
34. const str6 = str.padStart(10, '-'); // Pad start
35. const str7 = str.padEnd(10, '-'); // Pad end
36. const num = 10;
37. const num2 = num.toString(2); // Binary string
38. const num3 = Number.isInteger(num); // Check integer
39. const num4 = Math.floor(num); // Floor
40. const num5 = Math.ceil(num); // Ceil
41. const num6 = Math.round(num); // Round
42. const num7 = Math.trunc(num); // Truncate
43. const num8 = Math.sign(num); // Sign
44. const num9 = Math.pow(2, 3); // Power
45. const num10 = 2 ** 3; // Exponentiation operator
46. const bigInt = 123n; // BigInt
47. const isNaN = Number.isNaN(num); // Check NaN
48. const isFinite = Number.isFinite(num); // Check finite
49. const isSafe = Number.isSafeInteger(num); // Check safe integer
50. const random = Math.random(); // Random number
2. Advanced ES6+ and Modern JavaScript
These shortcuts dive into advanced features like Promises, async/await, classes, modules, and modern APIs.
// Javascript shortcuts by DHANIAN @e_opore
51. const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {});
52. const asyncFunc = async () => await promise; // Async/await
53. const fetchData = async () => { const res = await fetch(url); };
54. const json = await res.json(); // Parse JSON
55. const json2 = JSON.stringify(obj); // Stringify JSON
56. const map = new Map(); // Map
57. map.set('key', 'value'); // Set map value
58. const value = map.get('key'); // Get map value
59. const set = new Set([1, 2, 3]); // Set
60. set.add(4); // Add to set
61. set.has(2); // Check set
62. const weakMap = new WeakMap(); // WeakMap
63. const weakSet = new WeakSet(); // WeakSet
64. const symbol = Symbol('key'); // Symbol
65. const iterator = arr[Symbol.iterator](); // Iterator
66. const generator = function* () { yield 1; }; // Generator
67. const proxy = new Proxy(obj, handler); // Proxy
68. const reflect = Reflect.get(obj, 'a'); // Reflect
69. const classExample = class {}; // Class
70. class Example { constructor() {} } // Class constructor
71. class Example2 extends Example {} // Class inheritance
72. static method() {} // Static method
73. get prop() {} // Getter
74. set prop(value) {} // Setter
75. const module = import('./module.js'); // Dynamic import
76. export default func; // Export default
77. export { func }; // Named export
78. import func from './module.js'; // Import default
79. import { func } from './module.js'; // Named import
80. import * as module from './module.js'; // Import all
81. const worker = new Worker('worker.js'); // Web Worker
82. const sharedBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(10); // SharedArrayBuffer
83. const atomics = Atomics.add(sharedBuffer, 0, 1); // Atomics
84. const typedArray = new Int32Array(10); // TypedArray
85. const dataView = new DataView(typedArray.buffer); // DataView
86. const blob = new Blob([data]); // Blob
87. const file = new File([data], 'file.txt'); // File
88. const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // Object URL
89. const formData = new FormData(); // FormData
90. formData.append('key', 'value'); // Append to FormData
91. const headers = new Headers(); // Headers
92. headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // Add header
93. const request = new Request(url, { method: 'GET' }); // Request
94. const response = new Response(data); // Response
95. const event = new Event('click'); // Event
96. const customEvent = new CustomEvent('custom', { detail: {} }); // CustomEvent
97. const abortController = new AbortController(); // AbortController
98. const signal = abortController.signal; // AbortSignal
99. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); // MutationObserver
100. const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(callback); // IntersectionObserver
3. DOM and Browser APIs
These shortcuts focus on interacting with the DOM and using browser APIs like LocalStorage, Fetch, and more.
// Javascript shortcuts by DHANIAN @e_opore
101. document.querySelector('.class'); // Query selector
102. document.querySelectorAll('.class'); // Query all
103. document.getElementById('id'); // Get element by ID
104. document.getElementsByClassName('class'); // Get by class
105. document.getElementsByTagName('div'); // Get by tag
106. element.innerHTML = '<p>Hello</p>'; // Inner HTML
107. element.textContent = 'Hello'; // Text content
108. element.classList.add('class'); // Add class
109. element.classList.remove('class'); // Remove class
110. element.classList.toggle('class'); // Toggle class
111. element.setAttribute('key', 'value'); // Set attribute
112. element.getAttribute('key'); // Get attribute
113. element.removeAttribute('key'); // Remove attribute
114. = 'red'; // Style
115. element.addEventListener('click', callback); // Event listener
116. element.removeEventListener('click', callback); // Remove listener
117. window.localStorage.setItem('key', 'value'); // LocalStorage
118. window.localStorage.getItem('key'); // Get LocalStorage
119. window.sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value'); // SessionStorage
120. window.sessionStorage.getItem('key'); // Get SessionStorage
121. window.location.href = ''; // Redirect
122. window.location.reload(); // Reload page
123. window.history.back(); // Go back
124. window.history.forward(); // Go forward
125. window.scrollTo(0, 100); // Scroll to
126. window.scrollBy(0, 100); // Scroll by
127. window.innerWidth; // Window width
128. window.innerHeight; // Window height
129.''); // Open new window
130. window.close(); // Close window
131. window.alert('Hello'); // Alert
132. window.confirm('Are you sure?'); // Confirm
133. window.prompt('Enter your name'); // Prompt
134. navigator.clipboard.writeText('Hello'); // Copy to clipboard
135. navigator.clipboard.readText(); // Read clipboard
136. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(callback); // Geolocation
137. navigator.userAgent; // User agent
138. navigator.onLine; // Check online
139. document.cookie = 'key=value'; // Set cookie
140. document.cookie; // Get cookie
141. document.title = 'New Title'; // Set title
142. document.head; // Access head
143. document.body; // Access body
144. document.createElement('div'); // Create element
145. document.createTextNode('Hello'); // Create text node
146. document.createDocumentFragment(); // Create fragment
147. document.appendChild(element); // Append child
148. document.removeChild(element); // Remove child
149. document.replaceChild(newElement, oldElement); // Replace child
150. document.cloneNode(true); // Clone node
4. Performance, Debugging, and Utilities
These shortcuts focus on debugging, performance optimization, and utility functions.
// Javascript shortcuts by DHANIAN @e_opore
151. console.log('Hello'); // Log
152. console.error('Error'); // Error
153. console.warn('Warning'); // Warn
154.'Info'); // Info
155. console.table(arr); // Table
156. console.time('timer'); // Start timer
157. console.timeEnd('timer'); // End timer
158.'Group'); // Group
159. console.groupEnd(); // End group
160. console.clear(); // Clear console
161. console.assert(isTrue, 'Not true'); // Assert
162. console.trace('Trace'); // Trace
163. console.dir(obj); // Dir
164. console.count('Counter'); // Count
165. console.countReset('Counter'); // Reset count
166.; // Performance timing
167. performance.mark('start'); // Mark
168. performance.measure('measure', 'start', 'end'); // Measure
169. performance.getEntries(); // Get entries
170. performance.clearMarks(); // Clear marks
171. performance.clearMeasures(); // Clear measures
172. new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US').format(date); // Date format
173. new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(num); // Number format
174. new Intl.Collator('en-US').compare('a', 'b'); // Collator
175. new Intl.ListFormat('en-US').format(['a', 'b']); // List format
176. new Intl.PluralRules('en-US').select(1); // Plural rules
177. new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en-US').format(-1, 'day'); // Relative time
178. new Intl.Locale('en-US'); // Locale
179. Object.keys(obj); // Get keys
180. Object.values(obj); // Get values
181. Object.entries(obj); // Get entries
182. Object.assign({}, obj); // Assign
183. Object.freeze(obj); // Freeze
184. Object.seal(obj); // Seal
185., obj2); // Compare objects
186. Object.create(obj); // Create object
187. Object.defineProperty(obj, 'key', {}); // Define property
188. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'key'); // Get property descriptor
189. Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); // Get prototype
190. Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, proto); // Set prototype
191. Object.preventExtensions(obj); // Prevent extensions
192. Object.isExtensible(obj); // Check extensible
193. Object.isFrozen(obj); // Check frozen
194. Object.isSealed(obj); // Check sealed
195. Object.fromEntries([['key', 'value']]); // From entries
196. Array.isArray(arr); // Check array
197. Array.of(1, 2, 3); // Array of
198. Array.prototype.includes(arr, 1); // Array includes
199. Array.prototype.find(arr, x => x > 1); // Array find
200. Array.prototype.findIndex(arr, x => x > 1); // Array find index
These 200 JavaScript shortcuts are essential for modern web development in 2025. Whether you're working on the frontend, backend, or full-stack applications, mastering these techniques will make you a more efficient and effective developer. Keep practicing, and happy coding!
Follow me for more tips and tricks: DHANIAN @e_opore 🚀
Top comments (1)
Very informative for JS developer