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Power of Generics

Today I want to discuss very shortly about one such use case of generics. Nowadays everyone want to leverage the usecase of typescript. A quick introduction about generics also would be better to begin with.

What are Generics in Typescript ?

From my point of view , generic is something an alias for a data type which would be unknown. According to google, by definition

Generics are code templates that you can define and reuse throughout your codebase. They provide a way to tell functions, classes, or interfaces what type you want to use when you call it.

Lets say you have a function

function helper(param:string):string {
  return param;
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Here you can see you are passing a string as a parameter which is denoted by param:string and return type is string which is denoted by ():string.

let's say you have a situation that you don't know what data would come here as a parameter and the same data type you are gonna return .

This is where generics are useful. You can type your function as

function helper<T>(param:T):T {
  return param;
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Now this function knows your data type and assigns your same data type as return.
In my View

function helper<UnknownDataType>(param:UnknownDataType):UnknownDataType {
  return param;
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I think you have an understanding about generics. Lets dive into the use case.

We have a situation that you should allow all the strings and selective strings. For example,

You should allow the user to enter size as 'L' and 'XL' means

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this compiler giving me options as L and XL as an autoComplete.But if I type other string it will give error.

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We can do like this

type Size = 'L' | 'XL' | string;
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But compiler loosing the autoComplete for 'L' and 'XL' and at the same time Size is becoming string data type.

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here is the solution

type Size = 'L' | 'XL' | Omit<string, 'L' | 'XL'>
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Now you can see compiler giving me the auto-complete for L and XL

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Also it didn't complain when I give other string

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Lets put this in generic way

type Selective<T extends string> = T | Omit<string,T>
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Now the code is like

type Selective<T extends string> = T | Omit<string,T>

type Size = Selective<'L' | 'XL'>

function makeShirts(i:Size) {
  return 'hello'

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Adios. Love Coding. Give it a thumbsup if you like it. Thanks.

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