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Javascript, the Return

(This post covers the period up to Sunday, 22/9/24).

Just a short post this week, as the week was not as productive as I would have liked and I just covered some JS theory.

Things I've worked on/completed since my last post…

I started the Javascript section of the course, covering the material up to, but excluding, the Library project.

Things that went well...

  • I was able to do the object constructor exercises without much difficulty. I know it’s basic, but I havent touched JS in a while, so this shows me that I have retained something and/or that I am improving, which is very encouraging to me, even if the improvements are just small steps

  • Things felt more intuitive. I take this to mean that something must be going into my head, which is great to see

  • I enjoyed learning about object prototypes

Things that didn't go quite so well...

Nothing negative per se. However, I did re-read Object Basics. This was useful as I had forgotten some things such as object variables containing a reference to the object while primitive variables contain a copy (the implications of this).

Things I've learnt/need to improve on...

I found the section on prototypes interesting as it opens up a lot of possibilites. I think I understood it well enough for now, although I am sure I will have to re-read it again at some point

I developed a better understanding of the this keyword, but need to develop my understanding further

Object constructors were new. I had been curious as to how a large quantity of obejcts could be created quickly, so this answered that question for me.
For some reason, this snippet below stuck with me as something to be kept in mind!

Image description

Plan for the forthcoming week...

The first project in the Javascript section - the Library project!

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