Welcome everybody to the CodeNewbie Organization on DEV!

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.
Make some new friends by responding to another newbie's comment 👋 Feel free to follow one another, too!
We also recommend following the #beginners & #codenewbie tags. And of course, don't forgot to hop into the DEV Welcome Thread there to introduce yourself and meet new folks. 🎉
Top comments (9)
welcome all newbies!
Wow, havent joined anything "social" in a while...how apt that its this "Dev" community....lol quite the twist on my journey to land here. Ive been down an arch rabbithole for a few years now after "hacking" with windows for decades. It seems most of my thoughts, suggestions and or projects are lining right up with what the loudest minds on Youtube i.e. DistroTube, Linux Cast, Learn Linux TV, and Luke Smith to name a few. So it appears Ive organically wondered here somehow. Hopefully something interesting develops at dev... Hello World.
Welcome, welcome!
Happy to be here with you.
From listening to the podcasts on Spotify,
to actually be here !
he he, I found this exciting community.
Woohoo! Huge welcome!
Hello people, I just got here 😄
Yay! Welcome to DEV!
Welcome here ✨🥳