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What you learning about this weekend? 🧠

Michael Tharrington on November 18, 2023

Hey everybody 👋 What are y'all learning this weekend? Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice 😉, sprucing...
lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

Java EE via The Java EE tutorial, a textual PDF format downloaded from Oracle website.
It will take longgggg time... because it has a lot of topics such as servlet, JSF, EJB, CDI, web services (SOAP based and REST), JPA. It is a long term goal, so I would not mind taking long time to learn it.
Spring framework seems to be easier to use than Java EE (currently named to Jakarta EE), but I need to have good grasp on Java EE too.
My ultimate goal is using both Java EE and Spring framework in future projects.

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

It will take longgggg time...

It does, indeed. I have learnt some of those and you are right. With ongoing and changing technology it is harder too.

Learning Java SE 8 (or above) is kind of pre-requisite (as per me) as it requires knowledge of functional programming constructs, streams, etc., and also database programming.

In fact, I am learning Spring Boot programming seriously nowadays (last week I finished a free course from Spring Academy and felt good about it).


lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

I proceeded to Java EE after having learnt some fundamentals of Java SE such as classes (including lambda expression), interface, inheritance, generics, annotations, packages, basic beans, deployment with Jar, a few concepts of collections and basic IO (streams). I suspended learning JDBC, concurrency and other stuffs because I wanted to start to learn Java EE.

Thread Thread
prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

I suspended learning JDBC, concurrency and other stuffs because I wanted to start to learn Java EE.

I think JDBC is important. Though its low level and detailed, thats where one learns the basics of data access using Java. I feel it is a required foundation for JPA, EJB, Spring JDBC, etc. Java Threads and concurrency is another important concept in a similar way. Web and enterprise applications are all about concurrent access. The third one is the network programming.

Yes, Java has a lot to learn about!

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya • Edited

Keep on learning, but make sure to take your time and take breaks, so you don't get too burnt out on this stuff...

Well, I'd like to stay away from JavaScript on weekends. I am learning (actually re-learning), er..., Photography. What? Yes, but using a real camera (its a dedicated device and is not attached to phone, computer, etc., and I can use it with different lenses).

I am still trying to use it (it has a 600+ pages user manual and it is categorized as an entry level camera!). But, one of the first photographs I made I posted on this forum already last week. I had a post which had a borrowed photograph, and I replaced with my own. This is the article .

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

Photography ...
As you are a Java guy, this immediately reminds me of James Duncan Davidson, the creator of Tomcat (Java-based web server) and Ant (Java-based build tool). His interest also included photography and even became a professional in this field.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh, awesome Prasad. Photography is such a cool hobby to get into! And sounds like you're already learning loads.

So cool that you're gonna be using your own pics as cover images too!

I bet you could come up with some fun ideas to play with titles too. For instance, if you ever write on Spring Boot, you need to take a picture of a boot on a pretty day with flowers sticking out of it like it's a vase, haha.

You could even potentially start up a repo of photos for folks to use in their tech posts, that'd be kinda cool!

Anyway, hope you'll share more of your photography in the future! Always cool to drop a pic in the thread of one of my posts if you wanna.

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya • Edited

Thanks for the nice words and suggestions. I will keep in mind and try to produce some photos and post on this website over coming weeks.

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Simon Lee


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Oh, it looks like you're a great fit for our open-source software! Feel free to check it out and don't hesitate to give us a star if you're curious about where we're headed!

Wordpress in Javascript

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Finishing up a Wordpress/php/JavaScript project…maybe…staying focused on one project when there are so many things to test out is hard.

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You too! ❤️

You too! Dive into our open-source community when you have a moment. If you like the direction we're heading, a star from you would mean the world to us!

Wordpress in Javascript

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golang, CQRS

josewate profile image
José Wate

I'm learning JavaScript....
Still a mile to go 😅

opensourcee profile image

Well, it's 92 where I am. 🥵
I'll probably just relax by the pool.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen • Edited

I am hoping to complete my game from my Game Development 2 Final Project on CodeCombat this weekend. I technically completed my project earlier today but I am not completely satisfied with it yet.

kurealnum profile image

I'm learning more about the Django ORM! That, and trying to figure out how to word all of the questions I have about it 😅

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen • Edited

Oh man, I have not meddled with any frameworks yet (despite having a "django girls" sticker on my MacBook but I won that sticker and my MacBook was bare, what is a girl to do?), Django ORM sounds SO advanced! I wish you good luck on your endeavors!

sunilr profile image
Sunil Rav

Trying to figure out ReactFlow for my own project.

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Web development, Blockchain and AI.