DEV Community

Adrian Matei for CodepediaOrg

Posted on • Originally published at

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Real life angular inheritance example

Recently I have just added the possibility to share your code snippets with the world on I have noticed that the code to create and update code snippets, was too intertwined - trying to avoid code duplication I used initially just one component to create and update code snippets. Now, I just could not stand the too many conditional checks anymore, so I decided to split the functionality in two parts - one for handling updating and copy to mine, and the second for creating new snippets.

Because there is still some common functionality in both, like handling autocompletion of tags, I decided to use Angular component inheritance to avoid code duplication. In this blog post I will just show code examples for angular inheritance and name some of the angular particularities.

Source code for this post is available on Github

Common Base Form Component

First, I have defined a snippet base form class that handles tags loading and autocompletion, create initial snippets methods and navigation method:

import { Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { FormArray, FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
import { snippet_common_tags } from '../shared/snippet-common-tags';
import { COMMA, ENTER } from '@angular/cdk/keycodes';
import { Snippet, CodeSnippet } from '../core/model/snippet';
import { map, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { MatChipInputEvent } from '@angular/material/chips';
import { MatAutocompleteActivatedEvent, MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent } from '@angular/material/autocomplete';
import { SuggestedTagsStore } from '../core/user/';
import { UserInfoStore } from '../core/user/';
import { Params, Router } from '@angular/router';
import { textSizeValidator } from '../core/validators/text-size.validator';
import { HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import { throwError as observableThrowError } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/throwError';
import { PersonalSnippetsService } from '../core/personal-snippets.service';
import { ErrorService } from '../core/error/error.service';

  template: ''
export class SnippetFormBaseComponent implements OnInit {

  snippetFormGroup: FormGroup;
  codeSnippetsFormArray: FormArray;
  userId = null;

  // chips
  selectable = true;
  removable = true;
  addOnBlur = true;

  autocompleteTagsOptionActivated = false;

  // Enter, comma, space
  separatorKeysCodes = [ENTER, COMMA];

  commonSnippetTags = snippet_common_tags;

  autocompleteTags = [];

  tagsControl = new FormControl();

  filteredTags: Observable<any[]>;

  snippet: Snippet;

  @ViewChild('tagInput', {static: false})
  tagInput: ElementRef;

    protected formBuilder: FormBuilder,
    protected personalSnippetsService: PersonalSnippetsService,
    protected suggestedTagsStore: SuggestedTagsStore,
    protected userInfoStore: UserInfoStore,
    protected router: Router,
    protected errorService: ErrorService
  ) {

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.userInfoStore.getUserInfo$().subscribe(userInfo => {
      this.userId = userInfo.sub;
      this.suggestedTagsStore.getSuggestedSnippetTags$(this.userId).subscribe(userTags => {

        this.autocompleteTags = userTags.concat(this.commonSnippetTags.filter((item => userTags.indexOf(item) < 0))).sort();

        this.filteredTags = this.tagsControl.valueChanges.pipe(
          map((tag: string | null) => {
            return tag ? this.filter(tag) : this.autocompleteTags.slice();

  addTag(event: MatChipInputEvent): void {
    const input = event.input;
    const value = event.value;

    if ((value || '').trim() && !this.autocompleteTagsOptionActivated) {
      // if ((value || '').trim()) {

    // Reset the input value
    if (input) {
      input.value = '';


  removeTagByIndex(index: number): void {
    if (index >= 0) {

  filter(name: string) {
    return this.autocompleteTags.filter(tag => tag.toLowerCase().indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) === 0);

  optionActivated($event: MatAutocompleteActivatedEvent) {
    if ($event.option) {
      this.autocompleteTagsOptionActivated = true;

  selectedTag(event: MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent): void {
    this.tagInput.nativeElement.value = '';
    this.autocompleteTagsOptionActivated = false;

  get formArrayTags() {
    return <FormArray>this.snippetFormGroup.get('tags');

  createCodeSnippet(codeSnippet: CodeSnippet): FormGroup {
      code: [codeSnippet.code, textSizeValidator(5000, 500)],
      comment: codeSnippet.comment

  createInitialCodeSnippet(): FormGroup {
      code: ['', textSizeValidator(5000, 500)],
      comment: ['', textSizeValidator(1000, 30)]

  createEmptyCodeSnippet(): FormGroup {
      code: ['', textSizeValidator(5000, 500)],
      comment: ['', textSizeValidator(1000, 30)]

  addEmptyCodeSnippet(index: number): void {
    this.codeSnippetsFormArray.insert(index + 1, this.createEmptyCodeSnippet());

  removeCodeSnippet(index: number) {

  createSnippet(snippet: Snippet, copyToMine: boolean, popup: any) {
    snippet.userId = this.userId;
    const now = new Date();
    snippet.lastAccessedAt = now;
    if (copyToMine) {
      delete snippet['_id'];
      snippet.createdAt = now

    this.personalSnippetsService.createSnippet(this.userId, snippet)
        response => {
          const headers = response.headers;
          // get the snippet id, which lies in the "location" response header
          const lastSlashIndex = headers.get('location').lastIndexOf('/');
          const newSnippetId = headers.get('location').substring(lastSlashIndex + 1);
          snippet._id = newSnippetId;
          const queryParmas = popup ? {popup: popup} : {};
          this.navigateToSnippetDetails(snippet, queryParmas)
        (error: HttpResponse<any>) => {
          return observableThrowError(error.body.json());

  navigateToSnippetDetails(snippet: Snippet, queryParams: Params): void {
    const link = [`./my-snippets/${snippet._id}/details`];
    this.router.navigate(link, {
      state: {snippet: snippet},
      queryParams: queryParams

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Inheriting components

The UpdateSnippetFormComponent and CreateSnippetFormComponent components will
inherit from it.

Let's take have a look at one of them, for example at CreateSnippetFormComponent, and discuss the particularities

// imports ignored for brevity

  selector: 'app-save-snippet-form',
  templateUrl: './create-snippet-form.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./create-snippet-form.component.scss']
export class CreateSnippetFormComponent extends SnippetFormBaseComponent implements OnInit {

  snippetFormGroup: FormGroup;
  codeSnippetsFormArray: FormArray;
  userId = null;

  snippet$: Observable<Snippet>;

  @ViewChild('tagInput', {static: false})
  tagInput: ElementRef;

  snippet: Snippet;

  code; // value of "desc" query parameter if present

  title; // value of "title" query parameter if present

  sourceUrl; // value of "url" query parameter if present

  tagsStr; // tags received - string with comma separated values

  comment; // comment received via query

  popup; // if it's popup window

    protected formBuilder: FormBuilder,
    protected personalSnippetsService: PersonalSnippetsService,
    protected suggestedTagsStore: SuggestedTagsStore,
    protected userInfoStore: UserInfoStore,
    private userDataStore: UserDataStore,
    private logger: Logger,
    protected router: Router,
    private route: ActivatedRoute,
    protected errorService: ErrorService,
    private webpageInfoService: WebpageInfoService,
    private stackoverflowHelper: StackoverflowHelper,
  ) {
    super(formBuilder, personalSnippetsService, suggestedTagsStore, userInfoStore, router, errorService);

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.codeSnippetsFormArray = this.snippetFormGroup.get('codeSnippets') as FormArray;

    if (this.sourceUrl) {
      const stackoverflowQuestionId = this.stackoverflowHelper.getStackoverflowQuestionIdFromUrl(this.sourceUrl);
      if (stackoverflowQuestionId) {
        this.webpageInfoService.getStackoverflowQuestionData(stackoverflowQuestionId).subscribe((webpageData: WebpageInfo) => {
            if (webpageData.tags) {
              for (let i = 0; i < webpageData.tags.length; i++) {

          error => {
            console.error(`Problems when scraping data for stackoverflow id ${stackoverflowQuestionId}`, error);


  private setTagsFromQueryParameter() {
    if (this.tagsStr) {
      const tags: String[] = this.tagsStr.split(',');
      for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {


  buildInitialForm(): void {
    this.snippetFormGroup ={
      title: [this.title ? this.title : '', Validators.required],
      tags: this.formBuilder.array([], [tagsValidator, Validators.required]),
      codeSnippets: new FormArray([this.createInitialCodeSnippet()]),
      sourceUrl: this.sourceUrl ? this.sourceUrl : '',
      public: false


  createInitialCodeSnippet(): FormGroup {
      code: [this.code ? this.code : '', textSizeValidator(5000, 500)],
      comment: [this.comment ? this.comment : '', textSizeValidator(1000, 30)]

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  • extends keyword is used to mark the inheritance - CreateSnippetFormComponent extends SnippetFormBaseComponent
  • you need to define all the properties of the parent constructor in the child as protected too, and call the constructor with the super keyword right at the beginning of the constructor - super(formBuilder, personalSnippetsService, suggestedTagsStore, userInfoStore, router, errorService);
  • to trigger the functionality of the ngOnInit of the parent component, you need to call it with the super keyword in the child component too (otherwise it will just get overwritten) - super.ngOnInit();

For a more detailed explanations of class inheritance in Typescript visit the "Classes" section from the typescript handbook

You can see the create code snippet form in action in the following gif:
Create public snippet

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