Let's say we're working with a REST API that returns a JSON string representing a user. The JSON API agrees to a contract that it returns a string firstName
, a string lastName
and a number accountBalance
. We model the user as an Interface
in TypeScript as follow:
interface User {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
accountBalance: number;
The following code is sufficient if we always have the happy path
const json = '{"firstName": "Kevin", "lastName": "Le", "accountBalance": 100}'
const user: User = JSON.parse(json)
But things can go wrong on the API side. The json
string returned could be:
const json '{"firstName": "Kevin", "lastName": "Le", "accountBalance": "100"}'
const user: User = JSON.parse(json)
The code does not blow up because accountBalance
is now being treated as an any
instead of a number
. But this "forgiving" behavior leads to other problem downstream:
const balanceAfterInterest = user.accountBalance + user.accountBalance * 0.05
console.log(balanceAfterInterest) //1005
The balanceAfterInterest
is only supposed to be 105
. A better approach is to catch this problem early and handle it immediately and appropriately.
Head over to https://app.quicktype.io.
Paste the string {"firstName": "Kevin", "lastName": "Le", "accountBalance": 100}
to the left pane. Type User
as the Name
, and select JSON
as the Source type
In the box on the right, select TypeScript
as the Language
and make sure Verify JSON.parse results at runtime
is turned-on. Quicktype will generate the resulting code with instruction on how to use it in the middle.
Now the following code can be much safer:
import { Convert, User } from "./user";
const json =
'{"firstName": "Kevin", "lastName": "Le", "accountBalance": "100"}';
try {
const user = Convert.toUser(json);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Handle error", e);
The exception is now caught and handled early:
The generated code by quicktype for user.js
Top comments (2)
cool! I use ajv when validate type of any object
amour, roam, arum mora... I made these words using 5 of your function names :)
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