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Advanced Python Concepts - Metaprogramming

Imagine writing a Python code that can modify itself or dynamically generate new code based on the real-time data input. Metaprogramming is a powerful and advanced technique of programming that allows developers to write code that can manipulate other code and generate new code during runtime. Like we say, metadata is data of data, and metaprogramming is also about writing code that manipulates code. Therefore, this article discusses metaprogramming capabilities to enhance code efficiency and flexibility. We will learn about its foundation, decorators, metaclasses, and dynamic code execution by providing practical examples of each concept. Let's get started!

Understanding Metaprogramming

1. Metaprogramming And Its Role In Python

In Python, metaprogramming is about writing computer programs that will assist in writing and manipulating other programs. This technique allows programs to treat other programs as data. It generates the code, modifies the existing code, and creates a new programming construct at runtime.

2. Metaprogramming And Regular Programming

Before moving on to the technical aspects of metaprogramming concepts, let us first see how generic or regular programming that is based on procedural steps differs from advanced programming concept.

3. Benefits And Risks Of Using Metaprogramming

Metaprogramming provides us with a range of benefits. Let's explore them to understand their advantage in the development process.

  1. Metaprogramming reduces development time by allowing programs to modify themselves at runtime. This technique enables developers to write less code, making the overall development process more efficient compared to traditional software development methods.
  2. It provides solutions to code repetition and reduces the coding time. As we know, metaprogramming is all about reducing the code from the developer end and creating an automated way of generating code at run time.
  3. The programs adapt their behavior dynamically at runtime in response to certain conditions and input data. This makes the software program more powerful and flexible.

Similar to the benefits, metaprogramming also comes with some drawbacks as well, which the developer keeps in mind before using this technique.

  1. One risk of metaprogramming is its complicated syntax.
  2. As the code is generated dynamically at runtime, there comes the issue of invisible bugs. The bugs come from the generated code, which is challenging to track and resolve. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to find the source and cause of the bug.
  3. The execution of the computer program takes longer than usual because Python executes the new metaprogramming code at run time.

Metaclasses: The Foundation Of Metaprogramming

1. Metaclasses A Mechanism For Creating Classes Dynamically

A metaclass defines the behavior and structure of classes. Using metaclasses in Python, you can easily customize class creation and behavior. This is possible because Python represents everything, including the classes, as an object. Moreover, the object is created using the class. Therefore, this supposed "class" is act as a child class of another class that is metaclass a super class. In addition, all Python classes are child classes of metaclasses.


Type is the default metaclass in python. It is used to create classes dynamically.

2. Metaclass ‘__new__’ And ‘__init__’ Methods

In Python, metaclasses are by default "type" class i.e. base class which is used to manage the creation and behavior of classes. Upon creating the class in Python, we indirectly used the "type" class. The metaclass consists of two primary methods: __new__ and __init__. The __new__ method is used for creating a new object. This method creates and returns the instance, which is then passed to the __init__ method for initialization. It is called before the __init__ method and assures the control creation of the class itself. Then, the __init__ method is used after the creation of new class to initialized it with furthur attribute and methods. This method is quite different from the regular programming method. It allows us to modify and set the class-level attributes after class creation.


new and init methods are used for creating the custom classes and its behavior

3. Example: Creating Custom Metaclasses To Customize Class Creation Behavior

Let's understand with a simple python example how we can create custom metaclasses to customize the class creation and its behavior using the metaclass primary methods __new__ and __init__.

# Define the metaclass
class Meta(type):
    #define the new method for creating the class instance
    #cls: metaclass whose instance is being created
    #name: name of the class #base: means the base class
    #class_dict: represent the dictionary of attributes for a class
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        #making the attributes(method) name as upper case
        uppercase_attrs = {key.upper(): value for key, value in attrs.items() if not key.startswith('__')}
        new_class = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, uppercase_attrs)
        print("Class {name} has been created with Meta")
        return new_class

    #the class is initialized
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        super().__init__(name, bases, dct)
        print(f"Class {name} initilized with Meta")

# Using the metaclass in a new class
class MyClass(metaclass=Meta):    
    def my_method(self):

# Instantiate MyClass and access its custom attribute
obj = MyClass()
#here the attribute of the class is change into uppercase i.e. the name of method
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Remember that in the output, the "Hello" string will not be converted into uppercase, but the method name 'my_method'  as 'MY_METHOD' that will print the string. This means that we are converting the name of the method into uppercase.

Decorators: Metaprogramming At The Function Level

1. Decorators As Functions That Modify The Behavior Of Other Functions

Decorators are the key features of Python metaprogramming. Decorators are a powerful feature that allows developers to modify existing code without changing the original source code. It allows you to add new functionality by extending the existing function. Decorators are typically performed on functions, and their syntax uses the “@” symbol with the decorator function name before its code. In Python, decorators act as a wrapper around other functions and classes. The input and output of the decorator are the function itself, typically executing functionality before and after the original function.

2. Syntax Of Decorators

Decorators use the @decorator_name as a syntax. Whereas the decorator_name is the name of the function that you make as a decorator.

def function_name(): 
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The syntax is also used as following, which shows the decorator taking a function as an argument and save the result into another function.

Function_name = decorator_name(function_name) 
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3. Illustration of creating and using decorators to add functionality to functions

Below is an example of using decorators to convert the string of one function into uppercase, which means adding the uppercase functionality to the function:

#function for converting the string into upercase
def my_decorator(function): 
    #function within a function
    def wrapper(): 
        #here, we call the decorator function inside this function
        func = function() 
        #converting the string
        upper_Case = func.upper() 
        return upper_Case
    return wrapper

def get_String(): #getting the string for converting in upper case
    return "Actions speak louder than words"
print(get_String()) #printing the string
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The 'inspect' Module: Introspection And Reflection

1. Introduction To The `Inspect` Module For Introspection And Reflection

In the metaprogramming world, inspection and reflection are key terms. Inspection is performed to examine the type and property of an object in a program and provide a report on it at runtime. In contrast, reflection involves modifying the structure and behavior of an object at runtime. These two language features make python a strongly typed dynamic language. We can perform inspection and reflection in metaprogramming using the "inspect" module. This module provides various functions for introspection, including information about the type and property of an object, the source code, and the call stack.

2. How To Use The 'inspect' Module To Examine And Modify Objects At Runtime

Let's understand that using the "inspect" module for introspection and reflection combined with other Python features, we can examine and modify the object at run time in metaprogramming. We will learn it step by step:

1. Examine The Object Using "inspect" Module

#import inspect module
import inspect

#create a class name person
class Person:
    #setting the class attributes
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    #generating a function
    def greet(self):
        return "Name is {} and Age is {self.age}"

person = Person("Harry", 26)

# Get the class of the object
print("Class of obj:", inspect.getmembers(person.__class__))

# Retrieve all members of the object
print("Members of obj:", inspect.getmembers(person))

#Print the source code
print("Source code of MyClass:")

#Print the documentation string
print("Docstring of MyClass:", inspect.getdoc(Person))
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2. Modifying The Object At Runtime

#import inspect module
import inspect
import types

#create a class name person
class Person:
    #setting the class attributes
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    #generating a function
    def greet(self):
        return "Name is {} and Age is {self.age}"

person = Person("Harry", 26)

# Add a new attribute
setattr(person, 'new_attribute', 42)
print("New attribute value:", person.new_attribute)

# Modify an existing attribute
setattr(person, 'name', "Henry")
print("Modified name:",

# Add a new method dynamically
def myfunc(self):
    print("My age is {self.age}")

setattr(Person, 'myfunc', myfunc)  # Attach the method to the class

# Call the new method
print("New method output:")
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This is how you can examine and perform modification dynamically at run time. Using the inspect module combined with Python's built-in functions like setattr and delattr will allow the developer to write flexible and adaptive that can change at runtime.


Both setattr and delattr are Python functions for dynamically changing object attributes. In these functions, setattr is used to set and alter the attribute, and delattr is used to delete the attribute from an object. 

3. Practical Use Cases For Introspection And Reflection

Debugging And Code Analysis

As we know, debugging is quite more hectic and time-consuming than writing the code the first time. Developers debug the code to verify and find the sources of defects to handle them at the early stages. However, it is a very heterogeneous process when we cannot identify its source. Therefore, introspection and reflection are very useful for debugging the code. It examines the object dynamically at run time by providing the details of the object’s nature, including its behavior. It provides the details of object attribute values and unexpected values and explains how the state of the object changes over time. To make this clearer, let's use an example.

#import inspect module
import inspect

#create a class name person
class Person:
    #setting the class attributes
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    #generating a function
    def greet(self):
        return "Name is {} and I am {self.age} years old."

person = Person("Harry", 26)

# inspecting attribute
print("Object Attribute:", dir(person))
print("Value of Attribute:",, person.age)

#Add new attribute for debugging
setattr(person, 'debug_info', "Henry")
#print debug info like this
print("Debug Info", person.debug_info)
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Wrapping Up

To sum up, we discussed the Python advanced concept, which is metaprogramming. As we know, metaprogramming is the techniques that extend and modify the behavior of the Python language itself. It can help you write functions that can modify and generate other functions.. We can perform metaprogramming using different approaches like metaclasses allows us to use the default type class and then the decorator, which acts as the wrapper to another function and shifts towards the techniques to debug the code beforehand. So, wherever you are moving towards Python advanced concepts, do not forget to learn about metaprogramming significance as well. I hope this guide is helpful to you. Thank you for reading. Happy coding!


Additional Reference


Python Inspect Module

MetaClasses in Python


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