Python has been the most trending programming language used for object oriented progamming. With python you can run simple statement over and over ...
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Qt officially adopted PySide2 as their own formally maintained Qt5 bindings for Python, so it is advisable to use that over the third-party PyQt5 now. They're feature-identical at this point. (Bonus, PySide2 is LGPL, while PyQt5 is GPL!)
Also, just FYI, packaging a Kivy app for distribution is a living nightmare, due to a significant and complex bug in
related to the Cython dependency. Tried to package my own project for six months, even getting Alan Pope ("popey" of Snapcraft), Gabriel Pettier ("tshirtman" of Kivy), "TheAssassin" of AppImage), and a Debian packaging expert (whose name is lost in my IRC backlogs) involved in trying to manage a workaround. No dice.Is PySide2 actually ready from primetime use? The list of known issues on the wiki doesn't fill me with confidence and there are a large number of bugs on the tracker.
I'm in agreement that Qt for Python (PySide2) is likely the best option in the long term due to the first party maintenance by Qt, but I'm concerned it's not as stable as PyQt5 yet.
I haven't noticed anything major as of yet, and anyway, you know how it goes: adoption usually speeds up bugfixes.
I'd recommend to start building with PySide2; by time your project is finished, it will be stable. Or else, worse case, you just change your import statements and leave the rest the same. ;)
I already have a large project that was ported from PySide1 to PyQt and it was non-trivial to do (sure most of it was the same but that couple of percent difference was a pain to find and update), so I'm not keen to repeat that experience until it's worth it. Sounds like maybe I should wait a bit longer or look into using qtpy as an abstraction layer.
I think that was a newer thing about Qt5...that PySide2 and PyQt5 had identical APIs. But I could be wrong. The abstraction layer sounds wise in any case.
Pyside2 is still not very much maintained like PyQt5
Define "very much maintained". PySide2 regularly releases updates at roughly the same frequency as PyQt5. In fact, if you look at the dates, PySide2 usually releases a few days before PyQt5!
ok my bad
Do you normally just go around posting negative reviews and saying "ok my bad" when you've been called out? Enough already.
That was uncalled for.
It's been edited, but clearly the guy was accusing the product of not doing something, and only recanted when you corrected him.
People make mistakes. He learned something and recanted. That's praiseworthy, not something to condemn for. Or have you never misspoken in your entire life?
Please don't attack someone for recanting ever again. That sort of hateful reaction is why people are afraid to admit mistakes. Respond to others the same way you'd want them to respond to you.
Point well taken. Without the necessary information, my response was unwarranted. That leads me into my question for you: do you think he made a mistake, though? You did seem to ask him for clarification on the matter, but then you immediately countered his claim. Puzzling.
I read again, and I don't see where I asked for clarification. I was countering amohgyebi at the end there, not the earlier person/people in the thread, in any case.
Did you not write "define not very much maintained", and then in the same post counter the very statement you quoted? Both of us are in the wrong. Peace.
Uhm, no. I countered the common meaning of "not very much maintained" to save time, but left room for him to correct his meaning if I missed it. It wasn't aggressive. So no, we're not "both in the wrong." You attacked someone, unbidden, for apologizing for a mistake he made months ago, which none of the people originally party to felt the need to continue.
But whether you choose to learn from this is up to you.
LMAO, if you think that my asking if he normally goes around posting negative reviews. Stop playing the victim card. I have no idea as to how old you are, but in the real world you DON'T get to run around dismissing this or that, and NOT get called out for it. You have NO IDEA what an "attack" is. Grow up, and good day.
I was excited to see couple of new frameworks and immediately was excited by
. Glad I read your comment, looks like I shouldn't touch that yet !I've found PySimpleGUI to be a great platform for quickly building a desktop app. Everything I've built with it is small (I.e. not an enterprise application,) so take my evaluation with a grain of salt- but my experiences have all been fantastic. My only real gripe is their readthedocs page is a bit of a mess.
The last time I tried PySimpleGUI, I felt it was effective for teaching a child how to program a gui, but that was in 2017. I was pretty underwhelmed, to say the least.
Huh... musta been something different. PySimpleGUI wasn't released until July 2018.
I've seen PySimpleGUI confused with SimpleGUI or something similar by a couple of people. Many of the earlier attempts at a simple Python GUI package have been abandoned, so perhaps this is why you've not seen any changes since 2017?
No, it was PySimpleGui. I had the year wrong. I just went through it's documentation two days ago, I couldn't figure out how to disable a text input based on some condition. It really hasn't changed much, but hey there a gozillion themes now.
Be sure and use the version of the docs that are on ReadTheDocs ( PySimpleGUI.org ). There is a table of contents that spans the entire left portion of the window. There are also 3 tabs. One of the tabs is the call reference. It has every Element, every element's methods, all functions, and parameters and return codes for each of them. Another is a Cookbook with a number of small projects detailed for you to follow and run.
Yes, having hundreds of pages of information in the lengthy format it's in does make it challenging at times, but it also makes searching really easy, and, most importantly..... it exists and is thorough. Most individual efforts like PySimpleGUI is don't have any documentation to speak of.
In addition, be sure and look through the couple hundred demo programs that show you how to apply each of the elements as well as how to integrate with a number of other important packages like 'matplotlib and OpenCV.
The documentation isn't just one thing in PySimpleGUI. It's meant to be an entire "system" of documentation that works together.
Oh, one final bit of the documentation is the doc strings. There's a YouTube tutorial about how to install PyCharm for use with PySimpleGUI because of the docstrings. They are a HUGE part of the PySimpleGUI documentation. They are the reason you should rarely need to open the main documentation. Press Control+Q and you're shown everything about a particular element's method's parameters. These docstrings are what is used to build the call reference portion of the printed docs.
Fantastic. Just the summary I was looking for. I want to create a small, simple desktop app for sharing without a ton of unneeded baggage. (I once shared a small app for graphing which required only 25k bytes because it relied on dlls already in Windows.) Thanks.
I tried finding documentation in PySimpleGui on how to disable a text input control, no dice. That's a pretty basic feature in a GUI. I should be able to disable text inputs based on conditions. When I tried out PySimpleGui in 2017 I found it very limited, and in my opinion not much has changed. I'm trying out wxPython now.
How would you create a standalone installation file for Windows with Python?
Suprised you didn't include beeware.org in your list. Toga is well designed and easy to create a cross platform app.
I did not know pygui but now inwill surely try it out.
Have you used PyCharm ? There is a free edition
Pycharm is Python IDE. It is not Python GUI framework.