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Cover image for [TRACKER] Never Lose Track of a Job Application
innocent chidera shammah
innocent chidera shammah

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[TRACKER] Never Lose Track of a Job Application


Helping you stay ahead of all your job applications


Quick question, What's the perfect job opening? off the top of my head I'd say one with an amazing pay check with requirements that match my skill set. Many times we come across these kinds of jobs and almost immediately commit, in our heads, to send in applications. More often than not we completely forget to apply or we lose track of the application's status when we send them.

Wouldn't it make sense if you could have a system that sends you timely reminders about pending applications to jobs, events or fellowships whilst also provide a central place for organising all your applications and tracking them. To this end, my team developed Tracker to tackle these problems.


Tracker helps users to keep track of pending job applications and ensure that they get back to them through timely email reminders. It also serves as a useful tool to analyse submitted applications

Technologies Used
  • Architecture :The backend was designed with Appwrite.
  • Front end : React.js and CSS.
  • Back end : AppWrite's backend services
  • DigitalOcean VPS: Used to host Appwrite's instance
  • Deployment: Netlify.

Appwrite's Services used

1. Accounts for authentication

Appwrite authentication service

2. Database for data storage(permissions set for resource authorization)

Appwrite database service

Realtime Updates

Appwrites realtime service

Submission Category:

Web2 Wizards

Link to Code

Tracker ✔

Netlify Status

This is our solution for the Appwrite 2022 Hackathon on Dev

We had quite alot of fun building this project within the timeframe stipulated for it.


The appwrite hackathon has four different categories that participants are allowed to provide solution to. My team and I worked on the Web2 Wizard category. This category focuses on building an application using any of Appwrite’s tools that services the internet as we know it today and its users. The most key feature of the hackathon is to integrate app write as the backend service for the application.

My team and I developed a solution called Tracker.

Problem statement

Alot of times we tend to write down application on journal and sometimes, we tend to forget to push out those applications. Sometimes we add it to google calendar but alot of times we get overwhelmed with trying to keep up with…


Additional Resources / Info

Link to live demo


Team members


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Top comments (13)

divinesarah profile image

Amazing Work

vanessae profile image
Vanessa Edhere

This looks very good.

codewarsfx profile image
innocent chidera shammah

thank you

anomic30 profile image
Anom Chakravorty (he/him)

Great work!

codewarsfx profile image
innocent chidera shammah

thank yoou

dinma profile image

Yehhh!! Our product is live!

codewarsfx profile image
innocent chidera shammah

yayyyy partner

Retry later
ivictbor profile image
Ivan Borshchov

Awesome! Minimalistic and pretty cool done, we need more projects like this

codewarsfx profile image
innocent chidera shammah

thanks Ivan

hugolee003 profile image

Amazing project. Nice work 👍

codewarsfx profile image
innocent chidera shammah


gewenyu99 profile image
Vincent Ge

I like the idea :D This could definitely be a useful tool, especially with every company posting in different places, with different criteria.

Nice work!

codewarsfx profile image
innocent chidera shammah

thanks Vincent we hope to continue improving it

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