It's time for a standup!
These are the words that always put me in total panic mode.
I don't even have to hear them. A simple calendar notificati...
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The standup isn't solely about giving a status update, it's a chance (and possibly the only 1 in a day) to see and speak to everyone on the team. A chance to sound out your working train of thought and validate your sanity around it if you have doubts, a chance to raise progress blockers or to help others with their blockers, a chance to ask for help, a chance to spot missed requirements in the work other people are doing before it gets all the way to the review stage.
I would say 2 things if you don't get value out of the stand-ups raise it in the retrospective and discuss with your team what you would like to get out of them to make them useful. Secondly what about all the work that isn't writing code? Like investigations, documenting solutions, testing, etc
You have some good points there.
I don't think this tool can replace standups altogether. However, it can be a nice addition to see what everyone did. And also it makes sure every topic don't get overlooked.
Hmm I think you should maybe adjust your opening pitch in that case. What happens if teams contribute to many different repos? For example we have 1 repo per microservice and our front end is separate from our backend. What happens to the timeline if people are using squash merges on prs? I would think this is basically a beatification of git log and so if people are squashing merges historical data will be a bit less useful
I wasn't pitching anything.
If you squash, you squash based on feature, so you'll still have the message in the timeline.
Multirepo is a good point. I think I'll add ability to group repositories together
It's a nice app actually. I agree that it doesn't really totally and entirely replace the daily stand up, but it actually able to WORK and HELP during daily stand up. Nicee!
Thank you!
This! Yes! This is the whole point! To improve and find better ways! I think a lot of people's dislike of scrum ceremonies and standups is due to a lack of understanding. If you change your attitude towards it, these sessions can be an amazing tool. Thanks for the comment @petersimonssolarwinds.
This is a great tool. I think we get the most out of stand-ups (like any meeting) when people are prepared. These meetings are designed to be short and to the point. Having a tool that creates visibility on progress, is awesome and should cut out the more mundane, obvious updates and lead to lean, quick, effective meetings. Great work @codewithbernard! I shall be trying your tool.
Thank you! The most constructive comment so far :)
If you find any problems with the tool or have some suggestions. Feel free to let me know.
On my team we are trying out an "async daily". And it's probably exactly what you're thinking.
We have a channel in Microsoft Teams for that, when you start your day you read what people before you posted, post yours, use the thread to help on blockers... couple minutes and you're done.
Everything quick and easy and the managers have access to the channel so they are up to date on everything happening.
Personally, I like it. But some people have problem with this asynchronicity, so it might not be for everyone.
You can't satisfy everyone! But I saw many teams adopting this async meetings. I think this tool can help as well.
Very cool concept.
Thank you! Fell free to try it out. All feedback is aprpeciated.
You're welcome. I probably will try it out.
As a consultant I no longer do daily stand ups instead a 2 weekly… it’s great, never felt more productive and guess what I communicate things to people who I know need to know because I own my work
Sounds awesome. Do you feel this tool could help you?
Yes but for leaving a paper trail, I have to track my hours and this would help me charge customers. Also I am autistic this would help me keep track for my own mind
Let's not make stand-ups about how many commits you made.
Dev work involves a lot more than slinging commits. It's debugging, researching, planning. Sometimes one commit requires four hours to arrive at, and that's fine.
That's why we actually talk about our work.
But isn't it beneficial to not have to remember what you did?
The idea is good on a personal level, but not on a team level.
Let me say it again: dev productivity is way more than just your commits. Stand-up should not be about that.
Let's not make the same mistakes that Elon Musk is making at Twitter.
This does ultimately mean wherever you have worked they are doing daily standups wrong,
Nothing builds culture more than actually interacting with your team.
You can't interact with your team apart from the daily?
You can and I do, but a whole team standup means you all make an effort to get in a room. With a team of 25+ this means we have at least 1 work anniversary or birthday per week. It's nice to use that space as an opportunity for team wide announcements not even directly related to lines of code
Well, I'm all for that!
Oh man I haven’t read words more true about the daily. Usually it takes me 15 seconds to give an update. And 5 min upfront to remember what I actually did. Many colleagues seem to wallow in it like a pig in mud, somehow managing to find more and more words for a simple task along the way as they’re talking. Unfortunately, my daily work is not happening on GitHub (yet) but has its own version management. But once I‘ll get there I‘d give your app a shot!
What are you using as a version management system?
God forbid this train of thought.
I don't care a bit if "someone is slacking" if they deliver value — it can take more time for some and fewer for others.
Just a thought. Don't give me hate right away! :)
Wow you missed sooo much whole point of daily meetings...
In shortest terms daily meetings are not status reports. They serve to plan for next 24 hours work with team in a light of a sprint goal. That is one of events that streinghtens empiricism and inspect and adapt principles. Just pure giving status is just not enough. Team commits to the goal so team thinks about strategy and plan how to reach it.
That's the idea. Are you doing it like that in your team?
Yes in many teams. Initially it almost always requires some coaching and explaining depending on Scrum maturity of the team. Once we sync in this manner things go up from that point.
Of course all my comments are from Scrum framework perspective. Keep up good work. :)
Hahaha I like the concept.
I'm pretty sure the people that care the most about the standup are probably those that just want to chit chat. Something like 80% of every standup meeting I've been a part of devolves into various side conversations
I think you're true. So with this tool, you can basicalyl chitchat more.
From my point of view, the standup meeting is essential.. because it’s the short time that we have to speak quickly, fast to share status with transperancy. Update in realtime only cause unnecessary stress! And also may kill new ideas.
That's not what my tool does.
If it's possible to automate a stand up, then you're doing stand ups completely wrong. (Most teams do stand ups completely wrong)
Everyone seems to say this :)
Company i work for has internal github instance. Can we leverage your app somehow?
I'm not sure. But you can try to install the app, see if it works: github.com/apps/gitinerary
Nice ! i will try and hope it can be usefull
Nice. Let me know how it goes.
Cool concept. The only thing was people actually want to participate in standup..😂
Show them to me :)
very cool and useful. It will be a good milestone, project management app. I am looking forward to it.
You can already try it: github.com/apps/gitinerary
If you aren't feeling your stand ups are useful, you should communicate that. It's nice you focused on building an automation tool, but that time may be better spent working on your non-coding skills and help leading the stands ups into a meaningful discussion. There's a lot more to engineering than being someone who can write code.