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Collins Mutai
Collins Mutai

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Upload image files with Multer

Multer is a nodejs middleware for uploading files in a nodejs application (Express Multer Middleware, n.d.).
To use multer install the package using

npm install multer
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Once it is installed, import the package using this command

const multer = require("multer")
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Next is configuring the files' storage destination and preferred filenames. A callback function is used to create the filenames for each of the file uploads.

const storage = multer.diskStorage({
  destination: "./images",
  filename: (req, file, cb) => {
    return cb(
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After configuring the storage location and the filename, add the storage object to a multer instance.

const upload = multer({ storage: storage });
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The middleware is then added to the request to process any incoming file from the request body. A post request to the route "/upload" will upload a single image file from a multi-part form field named product and save it inside a folder called images."/upload", upload.single("product"), (req, res) => {
  file_info: req.file,
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To access the file details, we can use the output of the res.file object and return it in json format.

  "file_info": {
    "fieldname": "product",
    "originalname": "img3.jpeg",
    "encoding": "7bit",
    "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
    "destination": "./upload/images",
    "filename": "1706247839665_img3.jpeg",
    "path": "upload/images/1706247839665_img3.jpeg",
    "size": 107421
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This is an easy way to upload files in a nodejs application. With more configurations, you can specify the required file types and so on.

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