As somebody who has been building AI developer tooling for about a couple years now, I like to keep an eye on what are the most productive extensions that developers can utilize.
Today, I'm sharing a list of top 4 extensions + CommandDash based on some recent surveys by StackOverflow and my own findings.
1. Github Copilot (Paid)
Copilot is the go to programming assistant for most professional developers.
It comes with features like auto complete and chat and can help you with most of your coding tasks.
2. Codeium (Free)
With 1.1M downloads, Codeium stands as the top free AI Coding extensions. It offers the same feature set as Copilot and is stable and trusted.
They have recently raised 65M$ as their Series B so we can expect the extension to be improved further in the upcoming months.
It is a good idea to either have one of Copilot or Codium enabled in their IDE. Though personally, I don't use any of them and rely on CommandDash which solves the needs for me.
3. Codiumate (Free)
If you are a developer that believes in writing code tests - this is the extension for you.
They have focused on building specialized testing and PR review copilot that supports most programming languages.
4. ChatGPT - Genie AI (Bring your own Key)
If you are a ChatGPT user, this extension brings it to your VSCode. You can put in your OpenAI key and get stared!
Though very popular, it seems like that the team is not actively maintaining the extension, so please use with caution.
5. CommandDash (Bring your own Key)
CommandDash is World's first marketplace of programming agents in VSCode.
The agents are expert at specific tooling and are trained on it's docs, examples and Github issues. For example, if you want to build with Langchain, just install the agent for it from their marketplace.
You can then ask any questions and get contextualized integration code without having to read it's documentation:

It is completely open sourced and anybody can publish on the marketplace. You can read more about them here.
There are a lot many other extensions that are growing fast and I'd soon cover them in another post.
Share know what extensions are you using in the comments!
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