Synchronous Code
posts = loadPostsSync ()
// ... wait til posts are fetched
// ... do something with posts
doTheNextThing () // Has to wait until posts load
Enter fullscreen mode
Exit fullscreen mode
Asynchronous Code
loadPostsAsync ( function () {
// ... wait til posts are fetched
// ... do something with posts
doTheNextThing () // Doesn't have to wait until posts load
Enter fullscreen mode
Exit fullscreen mode
Most Async code you work with will be part of an API or Library
XMLHttpRequest & Fetch
jQuery Ajax, Axios, other HTTP Libraries
Node.js fs (filesystem) module
A few ways to work with Async code
Promises (ES6/ES2015)
Ajax ("Asynchronous Javascript & XML")
Set of web technologies
Send & receive data asynchronously
Does not interfere with current page
JSON has replaced XML for the most part
Ajax engine sits between the server and the client as a middleman
Client sends JS calls to Ajax Engine
Ajax Engine returns HTML response to client
Ajax Engine sends XmlHttpRequest to Server
Server returns XML/JSON
Makes async requests in the background
No page reload/refresh needed
Fetches data
Very interactive
XmlHttpRequest (XHR) Object
Core tech in Ajax
API in the form of an object
Provided by the browser's JS environment
Methods transfer data between client & server
Can be used with other protocols than HTTP
Can work with data other than XML (JSON, plain text)
*Nowadays we mostly just work with JSON data
Libraries and Other Methods
Fetch API (part of vanilla JS)
Axios (external library)
Superagent (external library)
jQuery (not recommended if just using it for Ajax. jQuery is a complete DOM manipulation library, which is very bloated for just Ajax)
Node HTTP (good if using Node.js)
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