Sets the regex query for "hello":
re = /hello/
Sets the regex query to be case-insensitive:
re = /hello/i
Sets the regex query as a global search, searching for all instances, not just the first:
re = /hello/g
Special Characters
Literal Characters
Matches with any string containing exactly hello
, and is case-sensitive:
re = /hello/
Matches with any string containing hello
, and is case-insensitive:
re = /hello/i
Meta-character Symbols
"Must start with"
Matches with "Hello World":
re = /^h/i
Matches with "Hello World":
re = /^hel/i
"Must end with"
Matches with "Hello World":
re = /d$/i
Matches with "Hello World":
re = / world$/i
"Must begin with and end with"
Not a match with "Hello World", only Matches "Hello":
re = /^hello$/i
"Matches any ONE character"
Basically a wild card but for ONLY ONE character, try changing
to "Hbllo World"
Matches with "Hello" or "Hbllo" or "Hwllo" or "H7llo" or "H@llo", etc.:
re = /h.llo/i
"Matches any character 0 or more times"
This is a true wild card (also works for zero characters!)"
Matches with "hello" or "heeeello" or "heebbllo" or "h52340978562llo" or "H!@#\$&^!%#*@%!%llo", etc.:
re = /h\*llo/i
"Optional character"
Matches with "hello" or "hallo" or "hullo" or "hllo":
re = /ha?e?u?llo/i
"Escape character"
Not a match with "Hello", only Matches "Hello?":
re = /hello\?/i
[ ]
Brackets Character sets
Matches "hello" or "hallo", but not "hllo" or anything else:
re = /h[ae]llo/i
Matches "Hello" or "Zello":
re = /[HZ]ello/i
Not a match; [^HZ]
= anything EXCEPT H or Z":
re = /[^HZ]ello/i
Matches ANY uppercase letter:
re = /[A-Z]ello/
Matches ANY lowercase letter:
re = /[a-z]ello/
Matches ANY letter with any case:
re = /[A-Za-z]ello/
Only matches a number like "1ello" or "9ello", NOTE: "1234ello" also matches because it's just looking for a single digit before "ello":
re = /[0-9]ello/
Only matches a double digit number like "69ello" or "420ello", NOTE: still only looks for 2 digits before "ello":
re = /[0-9][0-9]ello/
{ }
Braces Quantifiers
Matches if l
occurs exactly {m} amount of times:
re = /Hel{2}o/
Matches if l
occurs 2-4 times:
re = /Hel{2,4}o/
Matches if l
occurs at least 2 times:
re = /Hel{2,}o/
( )
Parentheses Grouping
Matches as long as it finds Xp
repeating 3 times:
re = /([0-9]p){3}/
Matches only if it finds Xp
repeating exactly 3 times:
re = /^([0-9]){3}$/
Shorthand Character Classes
"Word Character"
Matches for any letter, number, or underscore _
, but no other symbols or characters:
re = /\w/
"One or More"
Matches for one or more letter, number, or underscore _
re = /\w+/
"Non-Word Character"
Matches only if it finds something that's NOT a letter, number, or underscore:
re = /\W/
"Digit Character"
Matches for a single digit:
re = /\d/
Matches for one or more digits:
re = /\d+/
"Non-Digit Character"
Matches for any non-digit character:
re = /\D/
"Whitespace Character"
Matches for a space, tab, or similar whitespace characters:
re = /\s/
"Non-Whitespace Character"
Matches for anything other than a space, tab, or similar whitespace characters:
re = /\S/
"Word Boundary"
Matches for words that have a word boundary at that position, so that you avoid matching strings that contain a word inside of another word, like with Hell & Hello or Beetle & Beetlejuice:
re = /Hell\b/i
"x followed by y"
Matches x
only if followed by y
re = /x(?=y)/i
"x not followed by y"
Matches x
only if NOT followed by y
re = /x(?!y)/i
Reference: Strings we've used to match in this article
const str = 'Hello World'
const str = '3p3p3p'
const str = 'Hello, welcome to Hell'
const str = 'asgkljhalwxqflife'
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