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vdelitz for Corbado

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How to Integrate Passkeys into Java Spring Boot

Introduction to Passkeys in Java Spring Boot

Passkeys offer a modern, secure way to authenticate users without relying on traditional passwords. In this guide, we’ll walk you through integrating passkeys into a Java Spring Boot application using Thymeleaf as the template engine.

We’ll utilize Corbado’s passkey-first UI component to connect to a backend, simplifying the implementation process. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of HTML and Java Spring Boot, and that you have installed the Corbado Java SDK.

See the full original tutorial

Prerequisites for Implementing Passkeys in Java Spring Boot

Before we begin, ensure your project setup includes the Corbado Java SDK. For this tutorial, we’ll use version 0.0.1 as an example. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


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Alternatively, if you’re using Gradle, add:

implementation "com.corbado:corbado-java:0.0.1"

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Setting Up Your Corbado Account and Project

To begin, sign up for a Corbado account through the developer panel. During the setup, you’ll configure your project by selecting “Corbado Complete” and choosing “Web app” for your environment. Be sure to provide the Application URL and Relying Party ID, typically set to http://localhost:8080 and localhost, respectively. These settings are crucial for binding passkeys to the correct domain.

Next, generate an API secret from the Corbado developer panel. This will be necessary for backend communications, including user data retrieval.

Building Your Java Spring Boot Passkey Application

Clone the Spring Boot starter repository:

git clone

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Within this project, rename to This controller will serve HTML files based on user requests. In your file, store the projectID and apiSecret as environment variables (both can be obtained from the Corbado developer panel).

Creating the Passkeys Login Page

Create an index.html file in the /complete/src/main/resources/templates directory. This file will serve as the login page, embedding the Corbado passkey-first UI component. Here's the basic structure:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
  <script src="" defer></script>
  <div id="corbado-auth"></div>
  <script th:inline="javascript">
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
      await Corbado.load({
        projectId: '[PROJECT_ID]',
        darkMode: "off",
        setShortSessionCookie: "true"
      Corbado.mountAuthUI(document.getElementById('corbado-auth'), {
        onLoggedIn: () => window.location.href = '/profile',

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Defining Controller Endpoints for Passkeys Integration

In, define endpoints to handle requests to the login and profile pages. The index() method should render the login page, while the profile() method will validate the user session and display the user profile.

public class FrontendController {

  private String projectID;

  private String apiSecret;

  private final CorbadoSdk sdk;

  public FrontendController(
      @Value("${projectID}") final String projectID, @Value("${apiSecret}") final String apiSecret)
      throws StandardException {
    final Config config = new Config(projectID, apiSecret);
    this.sdk = new CorbadoSdk(config);

  public String index(final Model model) {
    model.addAttribute("PROJECT_ID", projectID);
    return "index";

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Add Passkey Profile Page

After successful authentication, the Corbado UI component redirects the user. This page displays information about the user and provides a button to log out. In the templates folder, add a file profile.html with the following content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
      <script src="" defer></script>

     <!-- Define passkey-list div and logout button -->
    <p>User ID: [[${USER_ID}]]</p>
    <p>Name: [[${USER_NAME}]]</p>
    <p>Email: [[${USER_EMAIL}]]</p>
    <div id="passkey-list"></div>
    <button id="logoutButton">Logout</button>

    <!-- Script to load Corbado and mount PasskeyList UI -->
    <script th:inline="javascript">
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
            await Corbado.load({
                projectId: /*[[${PROJECT_ID}]]*/,
                darkMode: "off",
                setShortSessionCookie: "true" // set short session cookie automatically

            // Get and mount PasskeyList UI
            const passkeyListElement = document.getElementById("passkey-list"); // Element where you want to render PasskeyList UI

            // Get logout button
            const logoutButton = document.getElementById('logoutButton');
            // Add event listener to logout button
            logoutButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
                    .then(() => {
                    .catch(err => {


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Next, create a profile() method with annotation inside the

public String profile() {
  return "profile";

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Verify Corbado Session

Before we can use information embedded in the session, we need to verify that the session is valid. We therefore take the cbo_short_session cookie (the session) and verify its signature using the session service from the Corbado Java SDK. This can be done with:

final SessionValidationResult validationResp =

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Get Data from Corbado Session

It takes the cbo_short_session cookie, validates it and returns the UserID and full name of the user.

The final code for the profile mapping looks as follows:

  public String profile(
      final Model model, @CookieValue("cbo_short_session") final String cboShortSession) {
    try {
      // Validate user from token
      final SessionValidationResult validationResp =
      // get list of emails from identifier service
      List<Identifier> emails;

      emails = sdk.getIdentifiers().listAllEmailsByUserId(validationResp.getUserID());

      model.addAttribute("PROJECT_ID", projectID);
      model.addAttribute("USER_ID", validationResp.getUserID());
      model.addAttribute("USER_NAME", validationResp.getFullName());
      // select email of your liking or list all emails
      model.addAttribute("USER_EMAIL", emails.get(0).getValue());

    } catch (final Exception e) {
      model.addAttribute("ERROR", e.getMessage());
      return "error";
    return "profile";

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Launching Your Application

To start your Spring Boot application, navigate to the /complete directory and run:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

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Visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser to see the login page in action.

Java Spring Boot Passkey Login Component


This guide demonstrated how to integrate passkeys into a Java Spring Boot application using Corbado. By following these steps, you can implement passwordless authentication efficiently and securely. For more detailed documentation on session management and integrating Corbado into existing applications, refer to the official Corbado documentation.

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